🌌 Familiars



1 year, 11 months ago



Prince Elevon and his Prismatic Familiar, Rouneau.


Familiars are supernatural entities that fall under the "Spectral" classification.

As has been established in most forms of folklore, the Familiar is often seen as a spirit, demonic or otherwise, capable of forming bonds with non-Familiar species known as "pacts." These pacts allow Familiars to survive and grow in corporeal dimensions, simultaneously supplementing their pact partners with their abilities in exchange.

Life Cycle

Pacts are a synchronization of systems that allow Familiars to survive and grow in strength. Familiars that do not form pacts have no life source to draw from on their own, fated to grow weaker and eventually "die," unable to maintain a connection with corporeal dimensions.

Familiar Types

There are four different types of Familiars, both their corporeal and incorporeal color schemes being enough to indicate their typing, more often than not.

  • Golden— Also known as "Fire Familiars" and "Sun Familiars"
    • They come in a variety of warm colored hues, oranges, yellows and golds (as the name implies) being the most prominent. Often, they are the largest of Familiars, boasting incredible sizes that outdo that of Earth's African Elephant. The largest on record is titanic, almost double the size of Earth's blue whale!

  • Azure ‍ ‍— Also known as "Blue Familiars"
    • Ranging from shades of light cyan to dark violet, there are times where Azure Familiars can sometimes be confused with Shadow Familiars, depending on how dark their coloration is. Azure Familiars are rare; not as rare as their Prismatic counterparts, but easily coming in second in rarity.

  • Prismatic ‍ ‍— Also known as "Light Familiars" and "White Familiars"
    • With a signature iridescent glow in their incorporeal forms, these Familiars have a way of standing out among their kind. Their bright, rainbow-like displays often win the hearts of many and, given their rarity among Familiars, they are often seen as treasures. They are small, hardly surpassing the size of a small Earthen animal.

  • Shadow ‍ ‍— Also known as "Dark Familiars"
    • And also known as the most classic type of Familiar, living up to their demonic folklore in appearance. They are the most common among their kind.


Sven is a Shadow Familiar


When a Familiar and non-Familiar love each other very much... just kidding. Kind of.

When a pact between a Familiar and non-Familiar grows intimate enough (when the two successfully adapt to one another's energies) they enter a state of perfect synchronization that allows them to merge together.
The merge can be temporary or long lived, clear until the two become one entity.


When a Familiar and non-Familiar DON'T love each other very much... well, this happens instead.

Due to the imbalance, in cases where a Familiar and non-Familiar attempt to merge, one or the other will come off as being more dominant. These cases are often unstable and dangerous, sometimes even resulting in death. If one partner dies, the other dies too.


Blane is a result of possession, meaning there are cases that are survived!

Abilities (WIP)

When it comes to Familiars and what all they are capable of, the list can seem almost exhausting in length. Truthfully, their abilities cannot be unanimously measured, but some elemental patterns have been seen among the four types. These elemental patterns are measured in the same respect as elemental magic and Elemental abilities.

There are also the more odd and awkward abilities some Familiars can possess, but these are not considered regular patterns and are not listed as such.

Trivia (WIP)

  • Prismatic Familiars are capable of producing dimensional parhelions and rainbows under the right conditions, much like Type I Ethereals!
    This effect lends itself to the type being considered good luck or a good omen by many cultures.