


1 year, 10 months ago


Oscar is nice and quite the skilled listener, who used to play the therapist friend in friendgroups, but he has his own set of morals and tries to take the world around him not too seriously. Others think he isn't very bright, but he's pretty good at critical thinking and tries to solve alot of the puzzles in this game. He works better under pressure, weirdly enough. Forgets to do alot of basic things and other participants have to remind him to come to meetings, like the one during breakfast. He is also a shut-in and doesn’t really do much in life. He basically lives online. He can come off as quite goofy and maybe a bit silly, but he also uses humor to cope with everything. He isn’t exactly the most stable individual and sees the world a bit differently then others. He deals alot with depersonalization. When facing dangerous and scary situations he tries to mentally "go to his happy place" and block out the things that are happening. Essentially trying to live in ignorance, because he never learned how to cope. Really likes Mirko.