Red Sibyl Lavinia



1 year, 10 months ago


she is my first elden ring character, a faith build that uses the black  flame and blood flies incantation due to the fact that she renounced the  golden order after seeing first hand the suffering that was cause by  it.

She genuinely wants to do good for the lands between but because of her  naivety she usually ends up in the wrong crowd, making bad calls and  trusting people that someone 100% shouldn't trust(*Cough cough* Varre  and Patches). Thats hhow she ended up in becoming a bloody finger and  taking up the title 'Red Sibyl' as well as  joining two other cults :)

Some things I came up with while playing the game about her: the great runes have remenants from the demigods that were killed to aquire them, the thoughts of the demigods rune that has been used will seep into the tarnished minds, becoming stronger the more they are used and can begin to bind the minds together if used too much, which happened to her, as she was keeping her rune from Godrick active to keep her safe, thus turning her hair gray as she kept traveling and making manic thoughts invade her mind. Was banished from her previous home for predicting a horrible and bloody end for the gods of the lands between and the erdtree, ironically, her being banished and betrayed set her on the path to making the prophecies come true

Some notes for her disign:

  • She's mostly blind in both eyes and has burn scars covering the upper portion of her face.
  • she usually wears a red hood with the rest of her outfit but I forgot to get a pick of her with it on, my b.
  • Her hair was red but began graying as she progressed through the story.
  • After  becoming a pureblood knight, along with her eyes changing to a red  color as most do, her eyes were also healed, granting her vision again
  • Her  weapon in the pic is Godrick's axe but the weapons she tends to use is  the godslaying greatsword, the gargoyles twinblades and dual dragon  fists