Terra ([AU] Sleeper of the Blade)



5 years, 9 months ago




Terra is an android puffball who resides in Dream Land of Pop Star, in Milky Way Wishes. He is known for his ability to wield and manipulate fire, ice and electric elements. He also wields the Rainbow Sword in emergency situations. He wields a flail in his fire form, a shield of ice in his ice form and electric claws in his electricity form.



Terra 2.0 is a green puffball, bearing war paint-like cheek marks, sporting a green-and-white colour scheme and a more mechanical look. He has green eyes with bloodshot red, diamond-shaped pupils. A visor sits atop his head, with a light green gem jutting out from the centre in place of the red gem. Two wing-shaped metal plates sit atop the hinges of his visor. His arms sport a more mechanical-looking pair of gauntlets, with a warning strip visible across the top and three protrusions resembling claws atop it.

His feet have white soles, along with a light green strip across the middle of them and white metal plating atop them. What is unique with him is that he walks primarily on his toes. This gives him the illusion of being taller than other puffballs, but in actuality is at the same height as them.



  • Steadfast
  • Serious
  • Reserved
  • Passionate


  • Sparring
  • Looking out for his allies
  • Sleeping
  • Green things


  • Being emotive
  • Betraying honour
  • Pushed against his will
  • Spur

[will insert a quote soon]

Terra is often regarded as a stoic, almost emotionless individual when tasked, always focused on the mission at hand and reminding others of everyone's role(s) if he is in a group. Despite what he may think, he will always listen to others, show attention at all times and protect them at all costs. He holds a sense of honour with him, never facing opponents with an unfair advantage to him or themselves, regardless of situation. This also means he worries frequently over trivial issues, and attempts to ignore them however bad they may be. Through the shell that is his serious nature, he has a thin skin and is easily moved by his emotions, often out of his own volition. He can be reluctant and hold others behind due to intrusive thoughts, and often requires others to help push him forward.

When stress gets the better of him, he can lose himself to his emotions. His heightened sense of awareness and strength allows him greater strength in battles, but he is more likely to miss cues and less likely to thoroughly plan out his strategies. If his stress is anger-based, he becomes more aggressive at the cost of being an easy target; if his stress is sadness-based, he becomes more defensive and may succumb to his inability to fight. Over the course of years, he has been more confident with his emotions, coping with them more efficiently and taking less damage during fights. This sense of cockiness when dealing with weaker opponents however, can be threatening to him if he is unable to catch any cues.







Naturally showing more of his mechanical self, he has a slight increase in overall attack, defence and speed from his 1.0 design. He can create energy claws to fight more physically (further strengthened with his tri-elemental manipulation), as well as the ability to temporarily hover via streams of energy beneath his shoes. His visor grants him the ability to help predict his opponents' moves, displaying important information about almost everything from his opponents to the weather, as well as shield his eyes from potential hazards. The gem now further acts as a reservoir for his "life force", allowing him more endurance and stamina to keep up in prolonged situations.


Capable of harnessing the elements of fire, ice and electricity, all have their own passive perks/cons and unique fighting styles to give himself an advantage in any battle. He can only have one element active at a time, however, but can interchange at his own will. He can manipulate these elements by themselves by creating a wide array of attacks, or use them in conjunction with his energy claws or Rainbow Sword for a greater effect. His passive buffs are somewhat relegated in exchange for greater physical control of his elements.

Fire State: In this state, all light green accents on Terra's body will glow red in colour instead. His most commonly used element gives him a significant increase in strength in exchange for a significant decrease in defence. He is much stronger physically speaking at the cost of having more predictable and counterable attacks. He is able to freely control and swing a flaming flail in this state, which has a high damage output but notably slow windup speed.

Ice State: In this state, all light green accents on Terra's body will glow blue in colour instead. This element gives him a significant increase in defence in exchange for a significant decrease in speed. He has greater control with his attacks in this element, with an unpredictable moveset capable of trapping opponents offguard. He is able to wield a shield of ice in this state that reflects projectiles, but can also create ice pillars to be used both offensively and defensively.

Electricity State: In this state, all light green accents on Terra's body will glow yellow in colour instead. His least used element gives him a significant increase in all of his stats in exchange for less stamina. He will often rely on his speed to confuse his opponents and favour a more hit-and-run style of fighting. Due to the short time he can be in this element before he runs out of stamina, he will often resort to overwhelming his opponents with both power and speed before becoming an easy target. He will use electric claws in this state.


At his immediate disposal, should he be unable to create attacks with his bare hands, he can summon his Rainbow Sword to aid in his fights, as well as his energy claws. Other than acting like any sword, his Rainbow Sword can help channel his elemental abilities, multiplying their effects for greater damage and being able to cover more ground with it as he can remotely control it as well. If his blade is interrupted with a clash while remotely being controlled, he can momentarily lose control.


Terra's main weakness is the cooldown between shifting between each element. Since there is a period of time where he cannot change between them, this leaves him open to counterattacks. This is especially deadly for him in his electricity state, where his reduced defence can be his last. Since each state has their own pros and cons, if his opponent is smart enough to figure out what they are in battle, that could also lead to a risky fight for Terra.


[will be added soon]





Kirby is definitely one of Terra's closest friends, having helped him through his growth from the very beginning. He appreciates Kirby's carefree and happy nature, and will do anything to protect his free spirit.




After being rescued from a rogue organisation, Xenom is under Terra's wing both as an adopted son and a student in training. Much like Kirby, Xenom's carefree nature and willingness to improve has led to Terra protecting him at all costs while teaching him the ways of life and what it means to be a warrior.

Meta Knight



Having been taught under Meta Knight, he holds a lot of honour to the knight and respects him greatly. He is not afraid to spar with him and believes one day, he will be able to outmatch him.




Initially, their relationship caused much tension between his allies and even made Violet more fearful of him, but over time with building trust and honesty, Terra has come to accept Violet for who she is and trusts her with everything he has.

Code by Eggy | Kirby © HAL Laboratory.