Asag's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

MillyMoonStar Global Rules

Milly's design TOS of 2024

1. Please don't hide my designs, I would like to see them. If they're auth only then auth me.

2. If trading the design offsite, please do let me know first. It'll be placed as a mental note for that specific character that didn't just disappear. You may delete the character afterwards.

3. I don't mind if you redesign the character to be from anthro to feral (and visa) as long as the design is recognizable that's all that matters.

4. Huge redesigns are fine as long as the character is recognizable. I know I design complex characters, so it's perfectly fine if they are heavily simplified.

5. You cannot sell a design for real life currency or virtual currency if obtained by a raffle/freebie, art, or character trades. Until additional art via personal or commissioned, then you may.

6. You may sell a design that was obtained with virtual currency for real life currency. Just make sure you know your ratios and don't over price.

7. Free/raffle designs cannot be traded for art or other characters until additional art is added by you or someone else.

8. If a design was obtained via art means, it is fine to trade that design for other characters. Same goes if a design was obtained via a character trade, it can be traded for art.

9. I don't mind taking back designs if you have lost connection to, especially to freebie designs without any additional art. So, feel free to ask/ping me to see if I am interested in offering for them.

10. Personal art may add value to your character. Just don't over value yourself. Especially if you already sell commissions at a certain price. Feel free to ask people on how much they'll price your art if you don't have prices yet.

11. Commission pieces must be labeled properly with the right amount that you paid for. Don't overpriced the piece.

12. You may use the design for monetary gain, even if they were won as a freebie. Since hey, it's your character now, and you're most likely drawing them.

13. I don't mind if you are an adult and draw NSFW of my designs, just label it properly so minors don't see it. Additionally minors cannot, and shouldn't be drawing NSFW of my designs or NSFW period.

14. Don't give designs to my blacklist! That is not ok and you will get blacklisted too.

15. There are some designs that I have made and really do like a lot. If that's the case there will be a personal little addition to the TOS for that design. If you lose connection to a design with this addition please talk to me so I could potentially get them back.



Currently nobody, yey!