


1 year, 11 months ago


♪ Music to listen to♫

| Mage of Time | Derse Dreamer | Gold Blood |

She's just your typical otaku-gamergirl-internetdweeb. She likes memes, she likes owning n00bs. She unfortunately is not a very good hacker, her matesprit has tried to teach her. He has failed. She doesn't know the FIRST THING about coding in fact. Her planet caters to her love of games by featuring Kingdom Hearts as the theme of her land. It teaches her about her time powers, even though it starts to take a gruesome turn.

She becomes less cute when faced with the hardships of her own mortality, and the Ultimate Riddle. Even down to her weapons turning more corroded with each new "world" she conquers. But she does grow, and she does become stronger despite that. She fights with a keyblade that I have yet to design, but I imagine it grows dark roses and thorns the longer it goes on.

Her claim to God Tier was extremely brutal and it traumatized her. 

She has a curvy/chubby build but it's hard to see with the clothes/reproduction of Hussie's style.

If you're not familiar with Homestuck, trolls have gray skin, orange scleras and horns. Her blood color is gold/yellow which means if you draw blush it should be gold. Also, in her Godtier outfit trolls grow wings the same color as their blood color.