
2 years, 2 months ago


Age: 15 years 

Height: 5’3

Gender Identity: Transgender Girl 

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Lesbian 

Romantic Relationships: John (Throughout the entire story), Nellie (Develops over the course of the plot) 

Magical Ability: None

About: One of the only people in her world without any sort of magical ability due to a very rare genetic quirk, Rose is a fairly average teenage girl living with her single father. She has a lot of internal insecurity in herself, and when she meets Nellie, a girl her age involved with the rebellion against the current king of the kingdom she lives in, she jumps at the chance to fall into the role of a hero like those in her favorite stories. But Rose quickly gets in over her head as rebellion and war are no place for a girl her age and isn't able to handle the stress of it all. Even when Rose succeeds in her goal of killing the king she set out to defeat, she feels nothing but horror and instant regret. Rose is a kindhearted young girl who wants nothing else to help those around her and prove herself to the world, but she has a tendency to act on feelings and impulse rather than thinking before she acts.