Mother Nature



1 year, 11 months ago


Species: Goddess (nature)

Gender: Cisgender female

Height/Weight: 9"0 439 lbs

Body type: Hourglass

Sexuality: Sapiosexual

Birthdate: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Zodiac: Unknown

Status: Single

Theme song: IDGAF (with blackbear) - BoyWithUke

Voice headcanon: Isabella Madrigal (Encanto)

Favourite quote: "Now why don't you leave? Your aura is disappointing me."

Personality: A perfectionist who has a very bad temper, she also has a massive ego

Nicknames: Mother Bitch, Wicked Bitch of the Valley, Goddess

Likes: Organization, things going her way, silence

Dislikes: Valley Lilia,  Sporne Toxicia, humans (sort of), disorganization fires, messes

Other: Mother Nature loves peace in the valley and will swoop down to someone's level to insult them

Info: We all know who Mother Nature is. If you don't, Mother Nature is a goddess who brings life to flora and fauna alike. She is seen as a queen to the plant people and it very much strokes her ego. She has one devoted follower named Valley but they just annoy Nature, too energetic and too loud so she sends Valley out to the city to "fight evil" when in reality she wants to be left alone. When she finds out Valley has befriended a mushroom named Sporne, this frustrates Nature since Sporne is imperfect and is disposing his harmful spores making the oxygen hard to breathe and making the water poisoned. Why hasn't she just plucked them out of existence already? Fortunately Sporne gets Valley out of her hair for days on end so getting rid of them would be pointless.