Khizole'Fizzole (Kizzy)



1 year, 11 months ago


One half of the space gays! She and Nova are dating.

Kizzy and Nova's couple song is Space Girl by Frances Forever!

In this 'version' of our world, Earth has developed systems to visit and maintain contact with neighboring celestial bodies. Extraterrestrials are familiar with human concepts, cultures, and ideas -- some have been adapted to their respective societies, and vice versa. It isn't uncommon to see otherworldly beings living on or visiting Earth.

Kizzy was born and raised on the dwarf planet Ceres, located in the asteroid belt. An eccentric only child, Kizzy had become fascinated with human culture from an early age. Ze would spend hours parked in front of their television, watching old American cartoons and documentaries about the seven wonders of the world. As ze got older, ze collected any media about Earth that ze could get hir hands on.

Visiting Earth was never an easy feat for Kizzy's family, however, so ze was content to settle with whatever was accessible to hir on hir little asteroid. When Kizzy reached hir 5th Year of age (roughly 20 Earth years), ze chose to pursue higher education, with their subject of choice being -- what else? -- Earth culture. Specifically, the evolution and archival of popular culture on Earth, and understanding the types of communities that form around it.

It was in the early days of these studies when Kizzy met Nova. Nova was visiting Ceres on a brief work trip, having gotten hopelessly lost while trying to find her hotel. Kizzy helped escort Nova to her destination, and the two hit it off right away. After Nova's return to Earth, and many late nights of talking, they began dating. Kizzy was granted a year of study on Earth through hir degree program, and immediately seized the opportunity. This allowed hir to be closer to Nova, but also finally get to experience firsthand what the planet ze had admired their whole life had to offer. Now, ze resides in Pennsylvania with Nova, and several trips to locations around the globe are already being planned out.

Some other features of Kizzy's species:

- Kizzy's skin is coated in a layer of moisture, not unlike that of a frog's.

- Kizzy's sense of smell and taste is more advanced than a human's -- however, these senses are largely underutilized on Ceres. Ceresian cuisine is notably less flavorful than Earth food, which has led to Kizzy developing a huge sweet tooth, particularly for ice cream and gelato.

-Kizzy's antennae help hir pick up on sounds and frequencies that Nova can't.

-Kizzy has moderate darkvision, and can camouflage hir skin for short periods of time.

-Kizzy wears saddle shoes with every outfit, because ze loves them so much.