Quin Kingsly



8 years, 9 months ago


Name: Quin Kingsly
Nicknames: King
D.O.B.: 19/08/2088
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 210 lbs o' muscle
Gender: Cis male

+Brave, Patient, Steadfast, Quick-thinker,
-Reckless, restless, Stubborn
Maybe he's a charming dude or maybe he's just a big idiot with an even bigger heart. (Not actually unintelligent he just kind of a silly guy.)  Quin is a genuinely nice person ready to have a good conversation or offer a helping hand. He tries to keep his positive nature on most things but on occasion he can get a bit of a temper if the right buttons are pushed, but even then his anger subsides fairly quick.
If he remains idle for too long he finds himself getting quite anxious so its one of the reasons this guy is always up and doing something (does he ever stop training?)
Is he brave, is he reckless, maybe both? He's on to take most trials head on without a second thought so maybe he's foolishly brave?

Rank: Second class private
Partner: Azel
Element: Water
Hand-to-hand combat: He's most trained in boxing but dabbled in various other fighting techniques that he mashes into one style of his own.
Observant: His keen eye gained from years of tracking and hunting are put to use in fights to help outmaneuver his opponent.
Hunting: Fairly well off in tracking, but where his hunting skill truly lie are in stalking the prey waiting for the right moment. (big guy sneaky)
Water Manipulation: Able to manipulate existing water
Water Purification: He's been working at water purification for some time now, it takes a bit of time but he can do it but will usually end up mentally drained.
Cyrokinesis: Can turn existing water to ice and sorta control its form

    Born in a small island town off the coast of Ireland when the great human-demon war was drawing to an end. His family was almost always on the poor side as far as wealth goes though he never felt that it affected him negatively. If anything that helped shape him into what he is today. All throughout his childhood, he lent a hand in the family business, and when he wasn't his mother was homeschooling him. She taught him a wide variety of subjects from the basics ones to demons to the great war. When he was old enough his father thought it best to teach Quin how to defend himself. It all started off with just basic techniques but it didn't take long for Quin's interest to peak and he took it into his own hands.
      When he turned fifteen Quin took up hunting as another method to bring in money. At first, he wasn't very good at it, but with a lot of hard work and more training, Quin became quite good at it. After years of this job, he'd grown quite fond of it gradually taking on bigger hunts, hunts that could be considered too dangerous. Which in the end proved to be true. During his last hunt, things couldn't have gone worse. Deciding to venture out in the midst of a storm with his hunting party. They traveled for some time until things went awry, most of his party backed out and went home leaving him and one other. Not long after the two walked a little too close to the edge, it practically crumbled beneath them as they fell off the cliff. His companion sadly didn't make it but Quin managed to get away with severe damage to his right eye and a broken leg and several scrapes and bruises. After being stuck at the bottom of the cliff for about a day and a half a search party found them. Taken back to the town he was given medical care.
     During his recovery time Quin rediscovered DAMMED, he read many things about them while recovering. He got so enraptured by the idea of being a part of DAMMED he sought out a fix to his half-blind state. Opting to get a bionic eye implant once fully healed he was off to join DAMMED.

Fav color is pink
-Quite a strong lad who enjoys picking people up
-Finds great joy in learning new skills
-Gets defensive when things get too close to his Right eye
-Quite enjoys messing with others hair
-Enjoys cooking, but he CAN'T cook
-Skilled at maneuvering on ice
-Has an odd fascination with prosthetics
-Has a birthmark on his head that causes his hair to grow gray in one spot
-Has a fantastic memory
-Sort of really bad with weapons
-When out getting food he won't read the menu instead he picks something at random and prays it tastes okay.
-Spend most of his time Training, sparring, or eating.
-Voice claim 

Is a part od DAMMED on DA