


1 year, 11 months ago


Theoculo(or Theo, to most people that know them) is one of the two entities that determines if a soul goes to heaven, hell, or purgatory after their mortal body dies. They are the "cultural representative" of Heaven, while Tenebria, their co-decider, is the representative of Hell.

They're very business-oriented, making sure they can get people to the right afterlife. This causes them to be a bit of a do-gooder, which I suppose is why they represent Heaven. They get a bit annoyed at Tenebria, who would rather chill out instead of doing her job. They're the one that has to reign her in when she's getting a bit too... let's say "passionate."

Their relationship with Tenebria is a bit up-in-the-air, since sometimes they're both attracted to each other, and sometimes they just want to be coworkers. It's very confusing for anyone that happens to be witnessing it.

When another pair of representatives are able to take over for Tenebria and Theoculo, they place a bet between each other. They act as the angel/devil combo for any neutral-leaning human conscience, both trying to bring the human to their side of the moral balance beam. This is essentially just the scene from Emperor's New Groove with the two Kronks on Kronk's shoulders, because I think it's funny.

Theo doesn't really have a lot of hobbies, but they do find the human world fascinating. They visit Earth to see what they're up to every now and then. Certain death-obsessed individuals can see them, despite their invisible disguise. ("i myself am strange and unusual," if ya catch my meaning.)