Content Warning

User Content Warning

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character profiles may include: nsfw/suggestive themes, gore, horror/body horror/eyes/disturbing images, mentions of abuse, sh, trauma, murder, death, homophobia/transphobia, vent art, clowns, bugs

[all art marked appropriately, if i have missed anything please let me know]


please note i am an adult so a lot of my content is adult oriented, although i wont be one to say "minors dni" but i dont encourage it- business is ok but im still on edge about it.. i will not befriend minors at all. it makes me uncomfy. also please do not come to my profile with the main intent of wanting to chat, it makes me nervous...
if i do not respond to your comment about a question feel free to comment again/ping me but please do not pm me about offers, art, trades, etc unless stated otherwise. if i do not reply to an offer comment it usually means im not interested OR im thinking about it [i just struggle with telling people no but if you want me to comment if im thinking or decline feel free to include that in your offer comment]
i really care about my stuff on here a lot and i do not like anyone using it for any reason, i dont mind inspiration but do not straight up copy/steal/trace/etc
i do not support the use of AI art, NFTs, or anything related to either of the sort.
i do not do co-owns, but i can do pings

if i block you just assume you are blacklisted unless youre unsure i dont mind hearing people out unless it was a big thing yada yada please dont seek out my designs it makes me uncomfy when people ive blocked for reasons own my designs and so on blah blah im usually chill and honestly dont have issues with people unless you meet the basic dni stuff and whatnot or for personal reasons but ya i dont care if anyone tries to reach out to me for any reason [except for non-civil communication] just be respectful n stuff

my favorites arent meant as a "shopping list" i just genuinely like them and/or might want at some point but im not that invested at all i 9 times out of 10 just fave them to be like "oh hey they inspire me/are cool to me/art style is cool/etc" i personally dont care if you fave my characters for any reason im just stating this in case people think im like.. hunting their character down or whatever /lh

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:


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