


1 year, 11 months ago


Hello! Have you come to visit me?
Jan 25
Nature Spirit
Guardian being of water, especially deep waters, and aquatic life.


Marieth is a shapeshifting water nature spirit, who especially connects to fish and other aquatic creatures. She doesn't technically need to breathe, so she has no issue spending long periods of time underwater. She has two noncorporeal fish spirit familiars that often accompany her, and she has the ability to summon them at any time. She can cast some simple spells, like enchanting objects, and can also manipulate water. She has the ability to make objects levitate without any real effort, and sometimes uses this to accessorize a bit. The brooch she wears, for example, is held on entirely by magic. Her skin has some white, decorative areas that look just like porcelain, but are not anywhere near as fragile and feel almost more like the thick skin of a whale or dolphin. These areas act just like her normal skin, but are actually more resilient to injury and quite tough.


Marieth is calm and generally keeps to herself, not because of an aversion to people, but by habit. She enjoys spending time around sources of water, and prefers the night. She tends to connect best with other nature spirits and animals, but can get along well with the right human. She has a mature, calm personality, but doesn't do well when it comes to taking care of others. The one exception is any sea life, which she can't help but to dote on, and won't hesitate to use her magic to heal any ailments or injuries they might have. Marieth doesn't like to tie herself down anywhere, and so travels a lot, mostly by water. She enjoys spending her time flitting around with fish, and moonbathing on the beach.

Marieth likes chatting with sealife, they almost work as a sort of news source for her. Many species migrate so far, she can stay updated about the latest happenings on the other side of the planet if need be. Due to her deep connection to the ocean, she refuses to eat anything made from any sort of sea creature, a sort of reverse pescatarian. But, somewhat ironically, plant based sushi is one of her favorite foods.

Water/Bodies of Water
Calm Environments
Human Pollution
Chaos/Extreme Unpredictability
Disrespect of Nature
Marieth's porcelain skin is strong enough to deflect a blow from a sword without injury.
While she only has one humanoid form, she can shift into any number of (primarily) aquatic animals, strongly favoring koi and beluga whales.
Thanks to her abilities as a nature spirit, Marieth has perfect vision in any level of light, above or below water.


She emerged from the sea like a pearl from its oyster.

It's unclear where exactly Marieth came from. One day, she was just there. She stepped out of the ocean one evening to the surprise of some unsuspecting fishermen. She glanced around, saw the shocked humans, and made a mental note that maybe simply stepping out of the water wasn't the wisest idea. Especially not miraculously dry. Maybe she'd started some local legend or something of the sort, but the chance of anyone believing it was incredibly slim. Marieth wasn't especially worried, she was too busy taking in the surroundings. She turned back to the men, opened her mouth (remembering how to speak) and asked them, "Where am I?"


Aenean eget egestas arcu. Duis scelerisque sagittis nunc, blandit sodales turpis finibus commodo. Maecenas tristique tellus quis pulvinar tempus. Etiam lacinia volutpat libero, quis aliquet lorem porta in. Morbi blandit venenatis lectus, id mattis felis sagittis ut. Sed suscipit nibh vel lectus placerat eleifend. Nam rhoncus quis tellus id cursus. Praesent a porta lacus. Nam cursus odio lectus, sed imperdiet eros blandit sit amet. Aenean sit amet pellentesque mauris, nec mollis tortor.


Auriel relationship

Nullam ac lorem sit amet urna euismod lobortis. Aenean metus justo, feugiat quis tempor vitae, imperdiet in lacus. Aliquam ac velit rutrum, elementum magna quis, euismod orci. Vestibulum suscipit fringilla turpis id semper. Ut non sagittis ligula. Duis ut eleifend nulla, sit amet luctus nisl. Pellentesque sed urna erat. Donec quis tristique neque. Quisque lobortis semper aliquet. Pellentesque semper sem nisl, id imperdiet turpis elementum et.

Name Surname relationship

Nullam ac lorem sit amet urna euismod lobortis. Aenean metus justo, feugiat quis tempor vitae, imperdiet in lacus. Aliquam ac velit rutrum, elementum magna quis, euismod orci. Vestibulum suscipit fringilla turpis id semper. Ut non sagittis ligula. Duis ut eleifend nulla, sit amet luctus nisl. Pellentesque sed urna erat. Donec quis tristique neque. Quisque lobortis semper aliquet. Pellentesque semper sem nisl, id imperdiet turpis elementum et.

Name Surname relationship

Nullam ac lorem sit amet urna euismod lobortis. Aenean metus justo, feugiat quis tempor vitae, imperdiet in lacus. Aliquam ac velit rutrum, elementum magna quis, euismod orci. Vestibulum suscipit fringilla turpis id semper. Ut non sagittis ligula. Duis ut eleifend nulla, sit amet luctus nisl. Pellentesque sed urna erat. Donec quis tristique neque. Quisque lobortis semper aliquet. Pellentesque semper sem nisl, id imperdiet turpis elementum et.

Name Surname relationship

Nullam ac lorem sit amet urna euismod lobortis. Aenean metus justo, feugiat quis tempor vitae, imperdiet in lacus. Aliquam ac velit rutrum, elementum magna quis, euismod orci. Vestibulum suscipit fringilla turpis id semper. Ut non sagittis ligula. Duis ut eleifend nulla, sit amet luctus nisl. Pellentesque sed urna erat. Donec quis tristique neque. Quisque lobortis semper aliquet. Pellentesque semper sem nisl, id imperdiet turpis elementum et.