Captain Sovik



1 year, 10 months ago


Name- Daniel Sovik

Age- 65

Species- Saber tooth Tiger

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Straight

Height- 6’3 

Element- Water

Personality- Stoic, cold, and sarcastic. Sovik only wishes to live in peace, not living with war, battles, or drama being involved in his life. Despite his overall being Sovik cares much about other close to him, even going and inserting himself into problems, regardless of how much he will bitch. 

Bio- Sovik was a second in command under Captain Mias under the Kilwin Naval Armada. He was close friends with both Mias and Lance, Caspian’s and Matthew’s fathers. Sovik was there for the Dark Awakening, but was also there to see the Kilwin family he always knew tear itself apart. Even sacrificing his sight in his left eye to try and stop Lance and Mias from killing each other, especially when the whole argument with about Matthews death being an accident or murder. He and his family left Uzona and took refuge at the Elementalist Guild. 

Partner- Cyra Sovik (wife) 

Children-Lannister Sovik (son), Mitzie Sovik (daughter) 

Voice Claim- Kratos, God of War 4/ Ragnarok