Cleo Dubois



1 year, 11 months ago


Cleo is an Arcane Gunsmith from the Bayou. He is 33 years old, and goes by he/they or whatever you want to call him, just give him a kiss,,,

 He's trans and an absolute sexual deviant. He loves his voodoo magic and necromancy. He is partially a warlock/necromancer/bloodhunter as well, not sure how that works, don't ask lol. He just is. Cleo goes around preaching what is essentially the Satanism of whatever universe he is plopped into. He can sing too.

His blunderbuss is named "Queenie," and he has an albino caiman he obviously named Beignet. He leaves her at home though because he would straight up off himself if anything happened to her. 

His god is the God of Sacrifice. Which again, is essentially the Satan of whatever universe I utilize Cleo in.

Fun facts abt Cleo:

  1. He's gay. So gay. gay for everyone. anyone. anything. stop this man's deviancy. 
  2. He likes his blood magic a little too much. sicko
  3. He's lowkey obsessed with his magical bf Martin
  4. He started out as a bard sorcerer, but I felt it didn't quite capture his evil magical sexy powerful ghoulish factor. You know?
  5. he thinks being sexy is a viable justification for committing crimes, why? idk he's an idiot