Flapjack Cookie



1 year, 11 months ago


Basic Information

Full Name: Flapjack Octopus Cookie
Nicknames/Aliases: Jack, Jackie
Titles: None
Age: 20
Gender: Cis Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Species: Mercookie
Birthday: January 30th
Occupation: Maid
Powers: Shapeshifting
Living Family: Humboldt Squid Cookie (father), Parasol Octopus Cookie (mother), Chestnut Octopus Cookie (older brother), Bumblebee Octopus Cookie (older sister), Radiant Squid Cookie (older sister, semi-estranged)
Hometown: N/A
Current Residence: Creme Republic

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5’3” (land form)
Body: Pale
“Hair”: Peachy-orange
Eyes: Deep blue
Body Type: Has a delicate, dainty frame, but still has some curves and is rather well-endowed.
Distinguishing Marks: Not necessarily a marking, but her cheeks are perpetually rosy
Left or Right-Handed: Right
Quirks/Habits: Gets fidgety when nervous, and shifts her weight around a lot
Voice/Voiceclaim: Lailani Kealoha (Sarah Wiedenheft) - HuniePop 2 (can't find any example vids that don't include Lewd Things) (only in her mer-form; in land form, she sounds like an inkling)

Medical Information

Addictions: None
Aids/Augmentations: More augmentation than aid, but Oyster gave her a pearl that she wears around her neck on a string bowtie. It locks her into her land form, and constricts her if she tries to remove it or leave the Republic without permission.
Allergies: None
Conditions: None
Physical Abnormalities: None
Blood Type: Strawberry
Disorders: None
Other Notes: Due to her pale complexion and her overall biology not being made for surface life, Flapjack is prone to sunburn.

Mental/Personality Attributes

Known Languages: English
Positive Traits: Kind, gentle, compassionate, playful, genuine
Neutral Traits: Curious, naive, sensitive, coy, somewhat rebellious
Negative Traits: Clumsy, gullible
Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Used to be an optimist through and through, but has gotten more and more pessimistic over her time as a maid in Oyster Manor.
Introvert or Extrovert: Ambivert
Fears: Being stuck as a servant of Oyster forever, never seeing her family again, heights, cats
Secrets: None/tba


General Likes: The beach and being permitted to swim (especially when it’s hot out), anything ocean-themed, days off, getting to choose her own clothes, happy love stories, clear night skies (especially on full moons), hugs/cuddles, music, rain, cloudy days, sunsets, fireworks, sincerity, wind chimes
General Dislikes: Being seen/treated as lesser, being coddled or treated like a child/baby, being toted around like a pet, stuffy/cumbersome dresses, not being allowed privacy, her ‘display tank’, arguing, certain land animals, chess, public transportation, sour foods/candy/drinks, crying, crowds, sunburn
Animal: Whales
Color: Hot pink
Food: Crab meat (has also grown fond of cotton candy during her time on the surface)
Drink: Mango juice
Music Genre: Pop rock
Season: Spring
Flower: Hibiscuses


Best Friend(s): Amarena Cherry
Other Friends: -tba-
Acquaintances: -tba-
Significant Other(s): Amarena Cherry
Rivals: None/tba
Enemies: Oyster
Pets: -tba-


Meaning of Name: N/A
Religion: None
Astrological Zodiac: Aquarius sun, Pisces moon
Celtic Tree Sign: Rowan
Birthstone: Garnet
Birth Flower: Carnation
Element: Water
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
PKMN Nature: Naive
Alignment: Neutral Good

  • Flapjack got snagged in a net from one of Oyster's trade ships when they were fishing for a meal. Rather than chuck her back into the water, they brought her back with them and Oyster immediately saw her as an “accessory” for the manor.
  • Oyster gives Flapjack "special treatment" compared to the other maids, i.e. giving her tasks that have a little less to do with actual housework and more to do with looking cute ready to show off to guests like she's an adorable little puppy.
  • Flapjack has picked up some rebellious tendencies thanks to Amarena’s influence.
  • Flapjack’s “hair” is slightly longer in mer-form.
  • Flapjack has scribbly handwriting, still not used to writing with pen and paper.