
2 years, 2 months ago


[BC]Credit to Brady The TransformersFan for making the template

[BC]Name: Kaon

[BC]Nicknames: old man

[BC]Gender: intersex

[BC]Sexuality: bisexual 

[BC]Alt Mode:a peryton

[BC]Faction: unaffiliated 

[BC]Father: na


[BC]Personality: he's a leader who cares about his flock and city

[BC]Likes:calm , quiet and caring bots

[BC]Dislikes: overly excited and chatty bots , anyone who is aggressive to his family and friends 

[BC]Fears: wip

[BC]Quote: wip


[BC] he is a bot from cybertron who moved to  Atlantis as ex member of the Unicron cult he was cursed as well as the rest of the bots in his group as they gave up on the one they used to worship hearing primus was a kind god compared to his brother (ps he created the kaon city on cybertron)