Chamomile (Millie)



1 year, 11 months ago



Basic Information:

Barbarian Dwarf






Chamomile grew up outside the Kingdom of Drakon, but when she was old and skilled enough, took on a bounty to track down and capture the lost Heiress to the Fallen Kingdom of Drakon. 

She managed to find a lead to the edge of the Kingdom in a forest, where a large, lone dragon laid under a giant ancient oak tree.

She managed to quickly slay the beast without much trouble, as the dragon was frail and old - what she did not expect, though, was the young Tiefling who emerged from the woods, who became frantic and teary-eyed at the dead dragon.

The Tiefling was too stunned to even speak, so Chamomile took the reluctant girl to a tavern and took care of her, eventually figuring out that the dragon she'd slain was some sort of guardian to the young Tiefling named Lois.

Lois was a strange character, with no idea of her past or where she came from. So Chamomile decided to take matters into her own hands and help Lois find her true identity while on the bounty for a missing Princess... Who, was actually, Lois. (Shhh, they'll find out later)


Chamomile is smart and strong, and tall for a normal dwarf woman. The massive scar on the right side of her face caused her to be quite an outcast in the bounty hunter community, but she preferred to work alone. She is quite intimidating and blunt, not quite trained in charisma, but much more in survival in her modern society. 

Despite her roughness, she has strict morals that she isn't afraid to stand up and rebel for.


Lois - Future GF :3
They currently bicker a bit, Chamomile taking on the more protective role while Lois gets herself into trouble. Millie has to teach her how to fit into society again, since Lois has lived in the forest for most of her life.


Chamomile, or Millie, was never quite sure where she came from, or who her family was, but at a very young age she was abandoned in the wilderness. If it weren't for the kind forest animals, she probably wouldn't have survived. She was mostly raised by bears, with some help from other forest animals like squirrels and wolves. She was very observant, which gave her the skill to hunt and feed herself in the wild. Most of her childhood involved rough-housing with animals and learning how to live like one. One especially cold winter at the age of 15, tiefling hunters from a distant kingdom entered the forest in search of food, and forced many of the animals out due to taking most of the scarce food. Millie was left with no other choice but to leave her home forest to avoid starving to death, so she went on a journey with her animal friends to a new forest not too many miles away.

In this new forest she met a kind tiefling named Lois, who also had no clue of their origins or life outside the wilderness. Lois was being taken care of by an elderly dragon, and Lois had to keep Millie a secret in fear of the elderly dragon chasing her out. Millie was cautious of this tielfing at first, but they eventually grew a small secret friendship. Millie, who had learned the ways of being an animal for most of her life, was very socially awkward and somewhat dumb, but she was a kind, generous spirit who helped Lois learn to hunt better. 

One day, the tiefling hunters that had chased Millie out of her old home returned, killing off Lois's elderly dragon friend as well as trying to capture the tiefling herself, forcing both Lois and Millie to run and find a town nearby. Both Millie and Lois were taken in by an old, kind bartender who would take care of them and help them learn about life outside of the wild. 

Both Millie and Lois, who had now grown to be as close as two loving sisters at this point, wanted to find more about their origins and family. Lois found out she was a princess of a ruined kingdom that had fallen due to the citizen's hate towards the royal family and their oath to protect dragonkind, but Millie had no luck finding her origins.  Lois made the decision to travel to new lands in hope to find allies to restore peace to her kingdom, which left Millie to her own decision to leave the town and find out her own origins and family.  Her goal now in life is to find out where she came from and where her family could be now - while also hoping to make new friends on her journey and share her knowledge about the wild.