Harper 'Mane' Randolph



1 year, 10 months ago



  • ALIASmane
  • AGE 20 years
  • BIRTHDATE 13.11
  • ZODIAC scorpio ♏︎
  • GENDER female
  • PRONOUNS she.her
  • SPECIES african lion
  • DISCIPLINE geology
  • OCCUPATION student, hairdresser
  • CLAIM VOICE janis lyn joplin
  • RESIDENCE farmhouse
  • RELIGION agnosticism
  • MBTI infp
  • ALIGNMENT chaotic neutral
  • TEMPERAMENT choleric
  • ORIENTATION lesbian 44407384_0ipVHOj8QjNpnkC.png
  • RELATIONSHIPsam laurent
  • STATUS taken

I'll say it once, then run

"don't take it off, please, I'm not a boy, can't you just believe me ?!" ~ there she is, my lovely lioness. well, not gonna lie, I think most succeed design of mine at the same time. I don't believe that she has the greatest shapes or the most complicated markings, but I am sure that Harper is still kind of original and gorgeous in her own way. maybe because I have a soft spot for big cats, red, biker fashion taste and those old-fashioned, crazy hairstyles and leathers?

well, I say it with every new character, but I think I can be sure, that she's one of my mines right now and a reason, that I started to take care of my toyhouse account again. there's a lot of fun while making harper and drawing at the same time. another good thing about her is that she is the first emotional outlet I've had in a long time. I was unaware that fictional characters like this were that important to me.







pessimist optimist

Naive Perceptive

Reserved Social

sassy polite

patient foolhardy






fashionable . lone wolf . unmerciful . impatient . confident . loyal . unforgiving

harper is a hyper-introverted person. she doesn't like to talk, or even be with others. well, with a few exceptions, but still not all the time. she likes to be alone with her motorcycle and just stop thinking for a moment. at first glance, it seems that she's strong and untouchable but in real life it is not hard to upset her. harper's soft spot is for sure her mane and when someone is asking about a gender and that is why she tries to look as womanly as she can but still in her own way.

a very picky person, and it's hard to fit in her taste. not only in this point, but also it is not easy at all to have her trust. harper is very suspicious about everything. she is also foolhardy, want's everything to be done in a minute and cannot wait in one place. she can become quite sassy during this time, but ever without it she is meany anyway. in this manner, she tries to avoid showing her true feelings or hurting someone before they hurt her.


  • MOTHER agnes randolph ♱
  • FATHER kenneth randolph
  • STEP SISTERmaisha dembélé
  • STEP MOTHER hadiza dembélé
  • PARTNERsam laurent
  • PET coke (newfoundland)

their family is maybe different and kind of incomprehensible by some behaviors. harper's father is a simple, but really demanding and firm man. however, it doesn't mean, that he doesn't love his children and doesn't show his feelings at all. he tries his best, and it is noticeable by girls. but, let's focus on the main character of the presented story. well, she is really close to her dad and sister, having nice feelings about stepmother. kenneth gave her plenty of pet subjects, that stayed with her to these days, such as automotive, rock music and vintage things.

when she became an adult, her father moved to a city, just like step-sister. they asked her if she wants to go with them, but she refused. this place is just too important and daily duties are not impediment for her. additionally, she will find peace and silence on the farmhouse, and the most significant thing is her working dog, who can become aggressive if she does not get tired enough.


agnes, the mother of harper died during childbirth, but that didn't hinder her development. her father raised and devoted his time to her, but he also did not pamper harper. she had to start working since she got to her feet and this has made her a very hardworking and "not giving up" person, who can do plenty of things by herself. she appreciates what she has, and she is more inclined to second-hand items. kenneth educated her about pop culture and motorization from an early age, and the latter particularly touched her heart. dad not only was a mechanic, but also had a beautiful, vintage motorcycle called pogoń . he didn't just teach her about repair and improvement vehicles, but also how to ride them. when she was twelve, she sat down behind the wheel for a first time. after some years, this little cub became better than her own father.

but it did not impress kids in her primary school. you see, there is one issue with her look, that she hated and still does - her mane. even by fact, that she was born as a girl, her body started growing a long mane when she started to mature. it was the fault of two hormones - and androstenedione and it was not accepted in her school very well. kids started to laugh at her, assigning her masculine pronouns, but that wasn't the worst part. her bullies started to take her clothes off to "check" her real gender and then they took photos of her body with intention to put it in social group. after a few situations like this she decided to finally defend herself with a successful result. well, that what she was thinking. she hurt so badly, that school ended to expel harper from school. in this situation, kennath got mad, and he cut her tail as a punishment but also a lesson for future. it wasn't so easy for him, but it certainly made it easier for him that he had lost his hearing a few years ago, so he couldn't hear the screams and crying of his second child. kennath lost his ability to hear, when harper was three years old while having a car crash. the airbag exploded and hit him in his open mouth, damaging the eardrums and made other harm, but they weren't that serious. during this time, his ex fiancé took harper to her home and she was watching over her. in this time, our black lioness met her older sister for a first time, this led them to frequent contact. after being expelled and finally finding a new school, she became sassy and closed for strangers.

when she became an adult, kennath gave her his old motorcycle for her most important birthday - pogoń , the red harley-davidson el knucklehead from 1936. a few months later, the bought a dog from father's friend. you can read more about that in pet section.


now she lives alone with her dog on their farmhouse, fulfilling daily duties. once a month or even often her dad and maisha, sometimes with her mother are visiting her, to help or just talk. most of her spare time, she fills with playing drums, designs clothes for fun while listening to music or the most important - going to a long, night ride with pogoń next to a cliff that stretches to the sea. due to the fact that she does not have a driving license, she carefully chooses the route and tries to drive where the police do not reach.

harper still studies the geology discipline and works at the same time as a hairdresser, but she is pretty disappointed with her current job. not because she doesn't like it, but from the fact that these days everybody wants boring and common coiffures. she dreams to work someday on a movie plan for artistic productions.



  • nonmodern motorcycles
  • unusual, weird plants
  • wind while riding a pogoń.
  • leather clothes n accessories


  • crowds, people's voices
  • boring or average things
  • too nice n polite people
  • flowers, they're overrated


  • riding on her motorcycle
  • redesigning clothes for celebrities
  • caring for her plants
  • playing drums


  • drinks whiskey while stressed
  • hits the wall to vent emotions
  • being sassy, even if she doesn't want to
  • yells at her plants to grow better


  • extensive knowledge of two-wheeled vehicles
  • memory for old songs n sounds
  • does not give up
  • brave, good at fighting


  • flies off the handle easily
  • gets bored quickly
  • difficulty to agree with others
  • asking about gender 'cause of her mane


  • harper is in love with her motorcycle. it is her most important reason to live and try harder. she would not be able to survive without it. she always takes her vehicle for a ride at night or during sunset, when she has finally time for herself. she always beats speed without worrying about others. harper drives on empty roads anyway, mostly right next to a cliff overlooking the sea. she drives incredibly fast, but also dangerously, as shown by her motorcycle torn pants from the sides, during which she touched the asphalt with her knees. only truly trusted people could experience riding with her on this beloved motorcycle.
  • she also plays the drums amateurish, cause she started some months ago. but she really tries and really enjoys it. while this, she likes to sing for song, that she's playin'.
  • harper has a lot of hobbies, such as fashion designing and taking care of plants. but not the normal one - she prefers weird and uncommon, harder to get. but her methods of taking care of them are very unusual. she can yell at them, when she sees any black spot on a leaf and won't allow anyone to water or touch her floral children.
  • she's a very hard-working person. since she was a kid she needed to take her of the farm, and that wasn't easy duties at all. she is mostly the only one who cares about their land, because usually the family is not there. they moved to a city and wanted harper to go with them, but she refuse. this place is just too important and perfect. it means having peace and quiet, without any neighbors nearby. but sometimes they're visiting this girl, to help her or just spend time together. even though harper is an introvert, she's really enjoying these days, when they're back for a minute.
  • Everything would be perfect, except for one issue - harper is an alcoholic. it's possible that she's not in such a serious stage yet, but when she feels bad, the only solution for her is to get drunk with whiskey. during this difficult time, she may become aggressive and dangerous to others. when she is alone, she is capable of crushing a bit of a wall with her fist or scratching herself to blood.
  • like i said, she can become very aggressive. when someone hurts her or person, that she cares about, harper may pounce on that person and harm them badly.
  • since her father is deaf, she knows sign language perfectly.


  • FOOD: spicy wedges
  • DRINK: whiskey
  • FLAVOR: cherry
  • PLANT: monstera obliqua peru
  • COLOUR: red n black
  • ANIMAL: giant dogs
  • SEASON: winter
  • DAYTIME: sunset n night
  • GENRE: classic rock
  • AESTHETIC: biker n pin-up


  •  WAY OF SPEAKING harper is a quiet person. she doesn't speak very often, and silence is something she's used to, cause of living alone with her dog and a fact, that her father is deaf. that is why harper is able to use sign language perfectly.she is, however, a great listener. well, only to a few people. she doesn't care about strangers at all. her voice is strong and barely audible if she needs to speak. doesn't use compound sentences and commonly replies with one to three words.
  •  COMMON CONVERSATION STARTER never starts first and hardly ever replies. if someone is in trouble, she can defend this person only when she feels like it, but after that she goes away, leaving the current person without hearing "thank you".
  •  SWEARS? she tries her best not to, but it's difficult because of her unstable nerves.
  •  CONVERSATION QUIRKSwhen someone pisses her off, she can start using sign language, saying something mean or when she is nervous and the sentence is too hard to say it normally. for example, telling someone that she loves them, is worried about or if they ask her about her mental state.


  •  POSTURE sometimes forgets it, but tries to stay straight all the time. she had a spinal problem when she was younger, which was resolved through surgery, so harper doesn't want to risk having the problem return.
  •  SMOKES/DRUGS?she has no issues with cigarettes or drugs, but she is addicted to alcohol, especially whiskey. harper always needs to drink, when she feels bad and do some damages in the house. her family has no idea about it.
  •  PHYSICAL & MENTAL DIAGNOSTICS since the harper is an alcoholic, it is obviously very devastating for her health. she suffers from cardiac arrhythmia, memory issues, and involuntary eye movements. it is difficult to control herself, she becomes aggressive even for no reason. her liver also has trouble absorbing the nutrients it needs, making it very deficient and weak. if harper is able to rest without drinking, it will be a miracle.


  • HEIGHT 176 centimeters
  • WEIGHT 63 kilograms
  • BODY TYPE triangle, well-built
  • AGAB/SEX female
  • SCENT cherry perfumes
  • SCARS back, cut stump, face
  • FUR COLOR black n gray shades
  • FUR TYPE straight, short n long
  • HAIRSTYLE eq. mohawk-inspo updo
  • HAIR COLOR white
  • EYE COLOR black
  • MUTATIONS male mane

design notes

  • harper has a mane, cause of elevated levels of the hormones cortisol and androstenedione. it does nothing detrimental to her health, but it's still the biggest issue in her life. when she was a cub, kids laughed at her and calling her in male pronouns. some of them bullied her to a much further extent than with hurtful words. she gave up trying to shave her mane after a few years because it grew too fast.
  • when harper was young, her father cut her tail to prevent her from the possibility of scratching a kid from her class again. the bully had laughed at her for having a mane like boys have. surprisingly, a long fur began to grow back around her cut stump, hiding the loathly scar.
  • she has some scars on her body. the first one is her cut stump on the tip of her tail. the second one we can find on her eyebrow after a fight and on her left ear. finally, there's her back. there are two types of reasons - one is a surgery memory on her spine and others are created by harper herself. in difficult circumstances, she may start scratching her back until it bleeds or ripping off her base knuckles by hitting a wall.
  • she is a pretty tall, well-built lioness with the visible ribs and body full of moles. you can find them almost everywhere.
  • now, some facts about her body modifications. harper has seven different piercings - bridge, labret, navel, in her both ears (lobe) and two rings on her tail. she has a white, "poodle updo" hair and wears makeup on her face such as red (just like her nail polish) lipstick and detachable, long lashes.


  • I think it is pretty obvious, that harper has a motorcycle. she prefers the classic ones, so the vehicle she has is a red harley-davidson el knucklehead from 1936, but she prefers to call it pogoń . it was a gift from her father, who is a big fan of automotive and a retired mechanic. at the beginning, razer belonged to mentioned dad, but he was unable to drive it anymore due to being deaf. he taught her everything he knew about those stuff and made her fall in love with the single track beasts. because of that, harper rarely goes to a mechanic. she is capable of dealing with most issues on her own and even upgrading her machine. obviously, she rides a lot, even without having a driving license.
  • it is not an accessory, but I think it is pretty important to mention here. harper has a an outfit specifically for riding, and she uses it really often. the most worthy of attention fact are her pants. her extreme driving has left their sides with lots of scratches, which are caused by very low and aggressive turns.
  • this lioness is not only dangerous and without any brakes. she also has a giant collection of plants, but not the normal one. she rather prefers weird and uncommon floras like raven or monstera obliqua peru, which is her favorite by the way. there are twenty different species in harper's assemblage that are healthy and full of life.
  • she has been playing the drums for some time now, so there is one complete set in her shed. she uses sonor vintage rock deum set 3pc .
  • harper has a red gramophone and lots of vinyls to it of her favorite bands. she prefers that way of listening, rather than using earphones.


harper had bought coke from her father's trusted friend, who had his own breeding. the family needed a dog for farm work, but they immediately fell in love with her. even if coke likes all the household members, the person she cares about the most is harper. they sleep, play, eat and work together, and she is the person, that coke listens the most.

once, when coke was a puppy, she ran to the road from their farm, to welcome harper, who was going home. she knew that her owner was coming because she could hear the sound of her motorcycle, so she tried to be as fast as possible and jumped on the boxes, but she miscalculated and fell on a skewer. family thought she wouldn't survive, but luckily they were able to save her.

  • NAME coke
  • SPECIESnewfoundland
  • AGE 2 years
  • GENDER female
  • FEED raw food
  • HOW RECEIVED bought



  • very obedient and executes all commands immediately
  • overprotective
  • likes to go wild in playtime
  • takes treats slowly n gently


  • careful but not afraid
  • can be aggressive when someone hurts harper
  • takes a long time to trust
  • sniffs them for a long time, doesn't wag her tail


  • coke is a working dog, so she has a lot of strength and is really diligent. her breed requires lots of movement, or else they can become aggressive with pent-up energy and that is why harper does not spare her. they live on a farm, so there are plenty of daily tasks to accomplish.
  • newfoundland dogs are a gentle giants, and so is she. even if she plays aggressively, coke only does it with her because she knows that harper allows that.
  • she loves toys, especially plush ones and a yoga ball, but coke still enjoys everything she gets. sometimes buries or hides it in different places.
  • she is really gentle with other animals and never attacks first. just a very calm and easy dog.
  • like a lot of animals, she doesn't like going to a vet, but is always peaceful there. coke is even not afraid of motorcycles and enjoys chasing harper when she leaves the house.

design notes

  • her fur is long and in a dark chocolate shade. her eyes are also brown, but lighter and warmer.
  • she is in good shape and has formed her muscles nicely, cause of daily work on a farm.
  • inside there is a phone number and name, sewn to the inside of the fabric.
  • coke is a pretty huge dog. she is even bigger, than the average size of her breed.
  • she rarely "smiles", only when she's exhausted or playing with her owner. her tail also hardly ever wags.
  • coke has a big scar on her belly from her puppy years. she stabbed herself with a sharp fence when she tried to jump over it to say hello to the harper.


sam laurent girlfriend -

is typing . . .

those lionesses have pretty good relations for stepsisters. they never fought, perhaps because maisha has a peaceful nature. however, they're opposites of each others. harper's sister doesn't like to work, she is very sociable and kind, and never gets angry. harper is not so happy about her approach to do work, but still loves her and will attack anyone, who tries to ever touch her.

maisha is one of few persons, that could ride on her beautiful two-wheeled vehicle. she trusts her the most and even allows her to water her plants, still with disapproval, but won't yell at least. harper doesn't use her sister's real name, unless she's really pissed off or something serious is going on. she prefers to just call her "hippie" instead, cause of her calm being and fashion taste. 

Penelope "Ares" Alton ex-girlfriend, friend -

ares and harper weren't together for a long time. not because they had an argument, but just because they both couldn't feel it. their relationship started in a primary school in the last class, where they became friends. harper was moved out of her previous school here, because she was expelled for lots of fights with other kids. after one year, they still kept in touch, writing with each other or meeting in a summer. them ares asked mane if she wants to date them, and she accepted. it was a nice half a year, they both remember this time really nicely.

now they are just normal friends. they can meet, go to eat something, or ares is sometimes helping their friend with her duties. but nothing more. ares isn't the best listener, and harper a great speaker. they aren't the perfect duo, but they're still good buddies.

 seven nation army 
 the white stripes 