


8 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info




Praised or the praised one


Somewhere between 29 and 34


Cis Male

Sexual Orientation

Probably bisexual

As a Bandit

Jude spent most of his life living as a bandit, which is hardly a respectable career path, but it was what it was. He eventually rose up in ranks until he was the leader of a rather large gang of bandits, situated in what was once a Dahl mining facility. He was well known by most locals as a rutheless and incredibly dangerous man, his mind half gone from an insatiable hunger for information on the Vault. He very nearly lost himself to that madness, almost becoming a Vault hungry Psycho himself, but a fated meeting with a strange young man changed the course of his story quite significantly.

As a Vault Hunter

He didn't expect the storm of barbs and spines that would sweep his bandit camp, led by the biggest Skag he had ever seen, and an even bigger pain in his ass named Pierce. The hoard massacred his men, every last one of them, until it was just him left. He was cornered and staring into the barrel of the Wildling's pistol, the only option left was to bargain fro his life. He had information on the Vault, locations of people who might know more. Pierce agreed to spare his life, but, not fully trusting the bandit leader's words, he took him Prisoner. Jude never could have forseen himself travelling alongside a strange young man and hundreds of Skags, but he finds himself preferring this company more and more over as time goes by, far preferring it to the company he kept before.


By now, Jude can't remember most of his childhood, only recalling bits and pieces occassionally. He was born on Pandora, born into a lifestyle of trouble. His parents were both bandits themselves, wicked and cold people, to each other, and their son. He was somewhere around 16 when they were captured and finally punished for their crimes, the young Jude barely managing to escape capture himself. He was lucky that he managed to find a group to meld into, and though life in a bandit camp was never easy or fun, it was better than starving or dying of thirst in the desert of the unforgiving planet.