Hellhound Sisters! 1/3 OPEN!



1 year, 11 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)


I got this idea for some cute Doberman/Hellhound sisters and couldn't wait to make them!

I hope you all like them! ;3;

The open two are up for auction!

SB: $25
SB: $2
SB: $50

"Bite Me": Keeping! (At least for now, I love her too much! OTL)
"Careful, I Bite": OPEN!
"Don't Be Scared, I Don't Bite": OPEN

The auctions will end 24 hours after the last bid or on Thursday, July 14th at 6pm PST!

These babies are posted to my other sites as well, I will update as needed!

-Don't bid if you don't have the funds.
-Please credit me the first time you post the character.
-Trading and regifting is fine, but please do not resell them for more than you paid.
-Please don't steal my designs.
-You can change things as long as the character is still recognizable.
-Please pay within two days or I'll move on to the next offer.
-I'll send you a transparent image of your character after payment is sent.

Bases by SpellHoundx !