
Name: Mayumi ("Truth, Reason, Beautiful")

Gender: Female

Species: German Shepard (100% pure bred)

Age: 2.5 years

Fur: Brown and cream

Eyes: Deep sea green

Status: Alive

Birthplace: Unknown

Current location: Ōu Mountains

Formerly: Pet

Currently: Pupsitter

Characteristic(s): N/A

Family (if any): Kaito (Adoptive brother), 3 unnamed sons, one unnamed daughter

Info: Mayumi, similar to Kaito, was raised among humans her entire life. Unlike her brother, she didn't grow up spoiled. She was the only one Kaito would truly listen to, able to reason with him. When some Ōu warriors came and told Kaito of his bloodline, he simply blows them off, while she apologizes on his behalf.. One day, however, she is taken by two brothers, Oscar and Owen, as their "trophy". Kaito tries and fails to fight them, leaving Mayumi at their mercy. She is abused by the two and sadly, even raped by the older brother, Oscar. As a result, she falls pregnant. Thankfully, Kaito comes back after receiving training from the Ōu warriors and manages to defeat the two brothers, earning her freedom. She leaves with her adoptive brother to join the Ōu dogs, as despite becoming pregnant against her will, she doesn't want to lose her pups. Eventually, she births 3 boys and a single girl and currently takes care of them.