


6 years, 5 months ago


Name: Sam Whitehurst

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Birthday: December 6, 1992

Height: 5'6"

Species: Human

Sexuality: Gay

Status: Taken by Ski (Pronunced Sky)

Languages: English and Spanish

Accent: American

Sibling/s: 3 sisters(Star[his twin], Piper and Katelynn) and 1 brother(Wyatt)

Job: Working in the Army(Red army)




Hentai (herderder)


Music (especially Mexican music)

Spicy food



Comedy Shows


His job

Being tired




Fighting with family or friends

Fast foods

Personality: Most of the times, Sam would look piss but really, it's just the way he is. Throughout his life, he would only care about his siblings, especially Star. But then later on, he knew he couldn't always be there for her and so he let her be. He's always kind to everyone he meets and tries to start off a conversation so he can get to know them. He can be pretty lusty but not to others, only to who he is in a relationship with(cause deeer). He tries to helpful and give out helpful advice.

Bio: Sam's life wasn't so great. He started to feel jealous of Star cause she would get all the attention because she has "super-cool" abilities. He, on the other hand, did have abilities. The abilities were he could hear voices from either spirits or demons. This made him look like he was on drugs and had gone insane, but he just wanted it to all go away. He didn't drink to forget everything, but smoked so he could just keep his mind off of things. He never worried for a relationship cause he knew it be useless till now. Sam had tried killing himself for a while, to where it was cutting himself, stabbing him arm, and almost getting run over but it never succeeded cause Star was always there to help him and make him feel better. Everyone was there for him. He knew that people cared about him, but he just never focused on that. He decided to give up on trying and moved on from it all. After a while, he wanted to be away from home and get his own life and job. So, he joined the army. He knew it wouldn't be a great choice but he didn't know what else he could do. Later on, he started to like a guy named Ski(Pronounced Sky). He too was also in the army with Sam, and then for about a year, Sam got the courage to confess to Ski and he said yes. Sam knew he had to grow up, to move on and forget the things in the past, but the voices always remind him of who he really is. Sam ignores it all, he didn't feel jealous and he didn't feel angry at everything anymore. Though, he still wants to help out. He wanted to continue on that. It still brings him the memories in the past.