commission type : Full colored /  Full Body / Half Body / Headshot 

art style : Semi-chibi or Regular 

character ref :

pose, expression, or personality : Dense without knowing he is a tsundere-type personality with a big fondness for sweets and fruits. 

anything else : Doesn't have to be same-day turnover. I like his fluffy fluff so any pose would be fine as long as he remains fluff and shy sweet-like.

hello! thank you for your interest! sorry to ask, but did you want a fullbody, halfbody, and headshot separately or altogether in a doodle page? 

That is quite fine. I would like them separately I guess.

sure thing! that'll be $10 + $8 + $6; $24 altogether! feel free to pay whenever you like here and I'll get started asap!

Payment sent.

commission type : full colored doodle + headshot + halfbody :D

art style : like this!!

character ref : (1st image)

pose, expression, or personality : quiet, cute, kinda grumpy. they're a bit of a loner :)

anything else : pls draw her hair down!!! her hair can go to her mid-back :D no worries on getting it done within the same day, take ur time <3333

aa thank you so much for your interest!! in total it would be $10 ! ($6 full colored +$2 halfbody + $2 extra headshot doodle)
feel free to pay here and I'll get started on it asap!

sent!!! thank you :D

im so sorry for the wait!! let me know if you'd like anything changed!

i love this so much!!! they fit your style so well, thank you :D!!!

hello! i was wondering if these were still open and if you took paypal? thank you!

hello!! yes they are still open and yes I do take PayPal! :>


commission type: full body with full color + shading

art style: regular anime or semi chibi ( whatever is easier! )

oc ref:

pose, expression, or personality: maybe a little sassy? im not too sure so feel free to do anything that you think looks nice ^^

anything else: dont worry about getting it in 24 hours, i know i ordered a more complex doodle and im more then happy to wait :>

lemme know if theres anything i need to change, and i can dm you the paypal info :)

aa sorry for the late reply!! i'd love to draw them!
feel free to message me your paypal or you can pay here too!

alright i sent the money! thank you so much :)

hello!! i am so sorry for the wait, let me know if you'd like anything changed!

2 Replies

Hiya~ I was wondering how much in pts will cost something like these examples? 👉👈 (just full)

hello!! those examples are worth $12 or 1200 pts! they're also chibis!
$8 for full color + $4 fullbody! :]

Hello! I would love to get one ! But before Fillinger the form I was wondering if it was Ok for you to draw couples? Ty! 

hello!! yes i can, thank you for asking! :]

commission type : halfbody, full colored

art style : regular anime style

character ref :

pose, expression, or personality : artisic liberty! As long as they both seem in Love with eachother ☺

Arupiia : shy, kind and cute person

Twaz : extrovert, talkative, Funny

anything else :

Arupiia don't have blue eyes!! They are Hazel/Green (you can check her other art!) and her her are a bit longer than showed in the refsheet :3

You can give both of the characters a small / flat muzzle 

Btw do you takes da points only ? or you got a PayPal? ☺

thank you for your interest!!
i take both da points and paypal!! here's my paypal, and heres my da :>
edit: sorry I forgot to tell you the total! $10 full colored halfbody ea, $20 in total!

How much do I owe you? Since there is +1 character I'm unsure aboutissent the price ^^

sorry I forgot to tell you the total! $10 full colored halfbody ea, $20 in total!

5 Replies