Tremor's Comments

I love how most of his art is traditional art, and its beautiful, it's all very detailed <3

Also, he's such a sweet boy

Thank you! I love him way to much lol! 

Okay first of all this boy's art is gorgeous.  I love intricate scale work and I love the use of minimal color to bring out black silhouettes, its lovely~
You placed an exceptional amount of detail in his species and i'm impressed even if i dont understand it xD 

Its interesting that he can shapeshift but cant change the colors!  I bet he would make a really cool looking human, if he ever had the need to shift to one!
Its also interesting how in this verse you created the humans are a dwindling, slowly going extinct species.  It makes sense if theres dragons and things like that walking the Earth again! :D Its super sweet that he fancies them because of childhood memories with his dad though uwu

(oops it double posted i'm sorry ;A;)