Aurelia Miracle



2 years, 2 months ago


Basic Info
Aurelia Miracle
Ari / Rea
14th February
1,74 m
Human (with elf like pointy ears)
Perfume Druggist
Voice Claim
Lauren Landa
  • Shopping
  • Sweet treats, mostly chocolate
  • Food
  • Smelling nice things (flowers, cologne, food, ect)
  • Dancing and Singing
  • Figure Skating
  • Geography
  • Learning about different cultures
  • Crime Fictions
  • Violence
  • Her mother
  • Being insulted and called out
  • Her own body smell
  • Her past self
  • When things don't go her way
  • Aurelia is an only child with an aboptive younger sister.
  • Her DNA's origin is a mystery, but she is more human than "elf". Her ears are only pointier than regular human ears.
  • Just like with her mother, her being a science-genetical created human, her chances of child birth are very low.
  • Despite being very slender, Aurelia can devor food like any other. She mostly enjoys fast food, but manages to never gain any visible weight.
  • Aurelia smells her food before she eats it, which made people see her as a weirdo.
  • Before Aurelia heads out anywhere, she first coats herself in lots of perfumes in order to smell better than just her regular shampoo.
Flirty . Intelligent . Selfish . Cocky

Aurelia is a cunning young woman, who loves to fool around a lot. She doesn't care about the negative things in her life, as she uses her regular and even more exquisit hobbies to distract herself. Commonly known for her attractive apperance, Aurelia is actually way smarter than others may believe. She knows a lot about dozens of things like foreign cultures, outcomes of crime fiction books and even memorized some people's routines, which she was frequently questioned about. With guys around her age, she is very flirtatous and teasing, however she has never let anyone close to her physically but instead knows how to wrap them around her finger for personal gain. With girls, she is only a little flirty but really fun to be around as she brings the mood up when everyone is down. However when it comes to her ex Anthony, Aurelia takes it to the extreme. She knows so much about him, that she believes that his current girlfriend is the one in Aurelia's way, clinging so tightly onto him that it bothers him. Lastly with her current partner, she feels intimidated yet lustful towards him, since they met in a pretty awkward situation.


In the very beginning, a young scientist from Liechtenstein named J had the plan to create an artificial life form. However many of his creations were doomed to fail. He was close to ending his science career, until he met a woman named Annabelle. Meeting her was like a love at first sight kind of experience and they ended up wanting a child. However due to a side effect in her immune system, Annabelle was low close to unable to reproduce, so J had to result to another plan. He took blood samples of himself and Annabelle and planted it into an eggcell, forming into a child over the time, practically helping Annabelle with her pregnancy. This time it was a success, hence Aurelia was born. As a child, Aurelia was rotenly spoiled by her parents, most specifically her mother as she had high expectations for Aurelia. With J's scientific knowledge, Aurelia has grown an huge wide of Intelligence that would get her into high ranking jobs. However, Aurelia was more focused to have a social life, in which her parents refused heavily. Aurelia didn't back down though and convinced her family to let her enroll into a public school to find some friends and get an education. After a long while of bargaining, she was let into secondary school, after being homeschooled for several years. Not knowing how people would act around her, she got very clingy to those Aurelia really liked and therefore was avoided. Lonely as she was, Aurelia continued her schooling until she was enrolled into high school, hoping to make some proper connections there. In her class, she wasn't really noticed by a lot of her classmates at first impression. However some guys found her odd enough to want to pick on her just to get a reaction out of her. They found her agony entertaining, leading to them cutting her hair with scissors for their own enjoyment. Not until a guy with a grey hoodie stepped in and physically got involved. It scared the guys away and he went on with his day until Aurelia stopped him to ask for his name. However the boy ran away way quicker than she expected. Weeks pass and she was quietly reading by herself after school. By her surprise, the same guy who fended off her bullies earlier approached her again, this time extremely nervous and flustered. Curious to know what he wanted, so she allowed the boy to sit next to her. He reveals his name to be Anthony and Aurelia took notice that they are in the same class, but Anthony was just very quiet, like he was barely noticed. Anthony tried to comfort Aurelia about her cut hair, by revealing that he himself tried to cut his hair and failing miserably. This gave them a moment to bond, until Anthony revealed that he had a crush on her, which suprised Aurelia a lot, not knowing what to say about it. It didn't take her long to give Anthony an answer to his confession, therefore starting a relationship. She was very new to the concept of being in a relationship, so Aurelia didn't know how to properly handle it. So over time, she has gotten clinger and clinger onto Anthony. Not leaving his side anywhere they went, Aurelia messaging him constantly, basically not respecting his personal space. It has gotten so bad, Aurelia would sometimes show up to private events of Anthony's family, causing a commotion for both of them. Anthony had enough of her and broke up the relationship at that moment. Aurelia's first reaction was to break down in tears. She eventually tries to get back with him again multiple times, but he furiously rejects her each time. During her vulnerable and depressive moments, she seeks out to different people, leading her to the small group of popular girls in her class. At first the girls start using her for personal gain, until they saw actual potential in her being a member of their group. As gullible and naive as she was, she followed along with their decisions as in using makeup, wearing skimpy clothes and styling her hair differently, slowly even adapting their personality traits. After a while of manipulation, misleation and lies, she had become just like them. This change in her whole character gave her a huge boost in confidence and popularity, now that she was officially part of a clique and felt as she had found her niche. Her makeover and association with the group had made her classmates and even former bullies fall head over heels for her. Aurelia enjoyed the attention she was getting, unaware of the attention she actually wanted. Her relationship with her father only worsen, as Josh did not approve of the drastic change she has done to herself while Aurelia denies her father's claims. Times have passed and Aurelia hasn't seen Anthony for years anymore, worried about where he could've run off to, so she focused on applying for a new school to find opportunities for herself. During her journey she runs into a tall man named Erik, who she quickly helps out with an errand he was running. They into a chitchat during it and Erik ends up mentioning something about the university his sister attends, which by coincidence is the university Aurelia was looking for, so she politely asks Erik for directions and then part ways. Arriving at the university, she was amazed by how huge the building was, but by her surprise she notices Anthony walking through a hallway passing by a window. Overjoyed to find his high school lover again, Aurelia stopped thinking and rushed inside towards him, scaring him out and not letting him go when he begged her to. Unfortunately for Aurelia, Anthony's new girlfriend Elena witnessed it herself and had to physically remove Aurelia from him, meanwhile the other witnessing students called the guards and Aurelia was escorted away, making her cause another scene. She thought she would never see Anthony anymore, so Aurelia as desperate as she was began following Anthony around, completely forgetting what her original goal was. Anthony had enough, therefore he had to call a friend to handle Aurelia for him.


"Courtney is my bestie!! Me and girls often hang out together, but when we are by ourselves, she likes to gossip a lot, which I don't really like. However I've been hearing some stuff going around about me. Surely she's got my back, right?"

Ashley Taylor | Friend

"Ashley is actually really sweet, despite how short she is. Her and Courtney do argue over the most trivial things.. like over the most basic thing as a color.. Don't get tempted by her sweetness though, she is absolutely malicious."

"Rachel is pretty quiet most of the time, especially when we hang out together. I guess she feels like kind of like the black sheep of our group. I do wanna know what her hobbies are, but she's pretty avoidant."

Anthony Gromow | Ex-Boyfriend/Friend

"EEEEK HOW DID HE GET SO SWOLE THE LAST TIME I SAW HIM?? It's so spooky yet sexy at the same time. Gosh Tony you have really grown! Shame that he's in a relationship with some rich girl. Urgh.. I had no chance anyway. I'm just a pain in the neck for him, even when we are friends again. I'm sorry.. I thought I still had feelings for you and could make you happy, but there's no way I am ruining his happiness. His happiness is so much more important."

André Oliviera | Boyfriend

"The first time I met André, he really pissed me off. He wouldn't leave me alone when I was trying to get Anthony's current girlfriend out of my hair. André was so passive aggressive, my feelings were really hurt.. However I noticed that he was showing slight hints of affection behind his aggressive tone and he did help me move on from Anthony. Argh what is wrong with me?? My heart is literally pumping out of my chest whenever I see him!! He lets me stay at his home when I wasn't feel comfortable in my own and he does take care of me. BUT WOAH SINCE WHEN CAN THIS MAN COOK SO HEAVENLY?? Whenever he makes a dish, it's always so mouthwateringly good, it's almost like his way of showing love, KYAA!!~ And even if he doesn't cook, he brings me takeout and I always share it with him! He isn't comfortable with cuddling as of now, but once he warms up to me, I absolutely bet he will fall head over heels for me, hehee!~ I will always let him know of how much I love him!"

Erik Braid | Mutual Acquaintance

"Woah yeah, this man looks really scary! But it surprised me how he is so willing to help me find the university I was attending. By my surprise, I began seeing him in various places a lot often. I don't want to say we're friends, but the advices he gives are close to what a father figure would give. Not gonna lie, it makes me wish I had a father similar to him."

Elena Braid | Loathing

"ELENA!? URGH, I COULD GO ON AND ON ABOUT HOW SHE ANNOYS ME! First of, just seeing her near Anthony makes my blood boil! Like yes, I get it, Anthony and I are only friends now, but back then seeing him being with someone else was just enough to make me hate Elena. WHO KNOWS WHAT SHE COULD DO TO MY POOR TONY, WHAAA!! She also constantly judges the decisions I make, LIKE C'MON MIND YOUR BUSINESS! After I remembered that Erik was her older brother, I had to keep my temper down with her. I don't want to deal with her family members. Mnn.. As long as Anthony is happy.."