Chronia Spirilis



1 year, 10 months ago


Name - Chronia Spirilis

Age - ???

Personality - Chronia doesn’t like reality and the way it works, she find it confusing and mildly annoying at points. Chronia also has OCD making her fix things up quite often without asking others. When talking to people Chronia is quite honest in everything, making her seem quite annoying to some. She tends to like the dark, due to its limitless and the everlasting effect with it. Chronia can feel like a quite disconnected individual, zoning out at points. Chronia often finds herself wandering or thinking about random things, complicating it as she goes. She also has a collection of object she seems fit in this reality. Chronia plays the harmonica and sometimes carries her lantern with her.

Likes - playing harmonica, the dark, being alone, eating dried mushrooms, her collection of objects, being tidy

Dislikes - reality, people overcrowding/seeing her properly, someone doing something bad, being shouted at