


1 year, 11 months ago




Name Benimaru
Pronouns She/Her
Age Unknown
Gender Cis Woman
Race Fae
Role Arisen
Alignment Neutral Good


  • Altruist
  • Strong
  • Just
  • Happy all the time


  • Cassardis
  • Fishing
  • Talking to new people
  • Singing

Benimaru became an Arisen unwillingly, as every other, but took up the sword and tried to live up the title, with the help of her pawn, Donovan, and her Arisen partner, Nero. Her personality changes a bit throughout the game, being a naive, happy woman, to a broken hearted one.


Althought she seems like a very simple person, that could not be far from reality. Benimaru has a strong sense of justice, but not an heroic one. The law is unbending, and she will do whatever it takes to follow it, wherever she is. It doesn't matter which law, or which place, she will respect them and follow them, since it's not her home nor her place to complain. However, if it's straight up tyranny, she will take up arms and fight for a better life. Apart from that, she's a very nice person to talk to, and will hear anyone's problems and try to fix them.


She's part of an ancient race of the Fae, the apex of any being. Excelling on magic and physique, they were supposed to be perfect, but went extinct eons ago, or so has been written. They were the ancestors to elves, which are supposedly extinct too. Benimaru's parents left her abandoned by Cassardis' gates, and dissapeared. She doesn't know if they're alive somewhere or not. She grew up happily there, where she discovered she was different after some time has passed (ignoring her obvious pointy ears). The village and herself still think she's just a very different elf, since she's REALLY strong. Growing up, she discovered magic naturally, trying to light up a stove mindlessly. From them on, she practiced how she could, discovering that she was not really good at it (being not really good at it just not being a full mage, but she's great at magic), but learned by reading some books she was left with, signed with the letter "D".


Her sanity goes downhill throrough the game, because of, well, (this is very spoilery of the game, so if you want to play it yourself, by all means DONT READ IT) obvious reasons. Most of them being all the betrayals you get through the game, the Duke not being as knightly as Benimaru thought, being thrown under the bus by the Duchess (and yes, I know "it's not like that" but Benny still thinks that way), and the worst of all them, Julien. She and Julien developed a bond since she started visiting the castle, mostly because of his personality and 0 fear of speaking his thoughts. They both sparred oftenly, being both Mystic Knights and all, and overall their relationship was borderline romantic, but never went past that. It was not until his betrayal that she finally snapped. When he was battling Mercedes, and was about to hit the final blow, she stepped in in a hurry, losing her left eye in the process. At that point, something inside her broke, and went berserk fighting him, killing him in cold blood. When she realised what she had done, she used a wakestone in a panic, and fled. It was not until almost facing the dragon that she visited the Duke's palace, by getting imprisoned because of throwing the court's jester, Feste, flying through a room. It was there where they both talked, and even when Benimaru still didn't forgive him, she got come closure. Before facing the dragon, she gave Julien the Arisen's Bond. And after the dragon... well, who knows.


She, like Nero, as no clear outcome. She takes on loop after loop, ending more desperate than the last. Still, her relationship with Nero and Donovan develops to a weird one, where they're partners, really important for each other. Eventually, she forgets about everyone else, as they don't feel as real as the other two. She actually met Mika, as the Seneschal, and broke her heart the fact that she had to give them the throne. She fought with all her might, but Mika, eventually, bested her. As what happened next, Benimaru has no idea, as Mika freed her from the loop.

Goddess Pantheon

In my pantheon, she's the Goddess of Truth and Oaths. Although not as powerful as her other self, Nimaru, Goddess of Justice, she does appear often, when people swear unbreakable oaths. If you betray someone, her wrath might be upon you.


  • She used to sing, but upon her sanity dropping, she forgot how to do it.
  • One of my friends and I have a shared lore of her character and mine, and trust me it's the angstiest lore I've ever written.
  • She used to flirt without noticing, and upon realising it, she was so embarassed she stopped.
  • Her and Donovan have a very strong bond, one could say they look like a married couple. Add Nero to the mix and it's... a sight to behold indeed.
  • Benny, Nero and Donovan's story and relationship is hands down the most convoluted I have.



Nimaru [ Other Self ]

Benimaru is the second Nimaru (hence the "Be" at the beginning, in their language it means "two", or "the second"). Nimaru died on her homeworld, killed by a hero with the "God's Bane", trying to stop her tyranny. Upon dying, she fled to another world, and got reincarnated in a mortal version of herself. They got so different that the Goddessess spared Benimaru's life, and let her ascend as a Goddess. Nimaru and Benimaru never met, but I'm sure they would've hated each other. Benimaru has a more ideal vision of justice, and Nimaru has the "perfect" vision of justice, where every justice takes place, becoming a hellish chaos.


Nero [ Partner / Enemy ]

Nero, as the Goddess of Chaos, was obssesed with Nimaru, a god who sought a chaotic paradise. As such, upon hearing her demise, she brought even more chaos to the world so she would be punished by becoming a mortal like her beloved. There she started chasing Benimaru, but shortly she noticed she was not who she was looking for. BUT, as chaotic as she is, she changed her views quickly, and decided to try and make Benimaru herself more chaotic. It ended in a middle ground, Benimaru becoming less good, and Nero being less evil. And their relationship developed into something more... intimate.


Donovan [ Pawn ]

Benimaru met Donovan first as her pawn, and lastly, as the seneschal, the one who came before her, defied the loop, and even left her knowledge about magic in the form of books. He was "D". Their bond is very strong, and it developed more and more each loop. Donovan would die for her, and many times, he did.


Mika [ ??? ]

Mika became Benimaru's world when she discovered their existence. It awoke something within her, a protectiveness and need of a peaceful, perfect world, where they could become a normal happy family.