Garnet (gardemac)



1 year, 11 months ago


gardemac otherwise know as garnet is a gardevoir zoroark hybird mutant and unlike a zoroark's illusion garnet can actaully shapeshift but it takes a toll on her mental health.she is able to use psychic powers but are there always tired to her mental health.garnet is pretty lazy and spend most of her days inside play games,sleep or just relaxing.she have anxiety and she often alone all by her self causing her to be depress for most of the time but after spend time with other pokemon and other people her mood changed but it did't help with anxiety.(ingore this line you don't want know about her outfit "garnet's school uniform has alot magic properties such as they can't be rip and keeping her cool and warm like during winter and summer.the uniform is always in strict style like the collar and tie are always buttoned and tied,shirt tucker in and almost have no whinkers and despite looking tight the whole outfit is actaully comfortable for anyone that wears it.when wearing the headband the uniform appears on the wearer and just being thinking the wearer can make the jacket and vest disappear and reappear".her mane has small pocket dimension upon entering it takes you to a place that act like a small world with a modern-ish house in it and the person chould live there can even change the house into what ever they liked andthe sky change depen on garnet mood. (there will be more info later once i remeber it)