Gretchen Socrats



2 years, 2 months ago


Gretchen is the eldest child of the Chosana royal family, she disappeared on a mission working for the guild ages before the start of the series.she was later located in an asteroid field having been turned to stone by a certain demon snake lady Gretchen is never happy, she is loud, judge-mental, argumentative, competitive, can be a bit of a trouble maker and is incredibly bossy. She doesn't give people second chances believing people never change, and she is very black and white about good and evil. she will never let anyone have the last word and cant stand being put on the sidelines. she is headstrong and once she makes a promise or makes up her mind she will follow through even if its a bad idea. she can be very opinionated and tends to make decisions about a person from the first impressions. Shes a total control freak. She is a powerful earth user perhaps second only to Melody Granite,  she is one of the strongest women -super strength abilities being usually but not always restricted to males-  and ranks pretty high among the male super strengthens. she never met Whitney or Greggory before her disappearance and both she and Whitney were pleased to have a sister as both had gotten fed up with being surrounded by brothers.

 Half Fae like her siblings she Grew very slowly and has been alive for thousands of years.  
As a child she was a stereotypical tsundere complete with twin ponytails. as an adult she's just grumpy all the time.