
1 year, 11 months ago



Called Pinko

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age 4 Months

Species (Hybrid) Moth Rabbit

Role Child

Theme Song Name

HTML Pinky


Pinko is a very shy and sensitive little rabbit, who is often seen hiding away from any visitors that come to Ocarina’s residence. He’s not very fond of other children, but gets along with his (adopted) big sister, Boba. He appears very shy at first, but can be very bubbly and hyper, prone to giggling and nomming on Ocarina’s hand whenever he’s in a happy mood.

He’s not very vocal with others, and speaks in third person whenever he does actually talk. But he only knows a few words, he’s still learning. Ocarina is trying her very best to teach him, but he doesn't have the same amount of curiosity that Boba has.


Height 1'6

Build On the chubbier side.

Eyes A light purple.

Fur Colors Completely blue with purple spots.

Fur Style Soft and relaxed.

Demeanor Very friendly, but skittish


  • The various purple spots on him are actually purple stains from dye that was painted on him.
  • His slight chubbiness is hidden underneath all the fuzzy fur, its only very visible when he's wet.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Pinko can be friendly and bubbly, but when he sees a new person, he will always hide away first. It takes awhile to gain his trust, but those who do, get a very sweet little rabbit who loves to play. Pinko, though, does get frequent nightmares and flashbacks. It’s a bit hard to calm him down, but he has many comfort items to distract him when that happens. When he cries though, he gets pretty loud.



Nectar is his usual, but favorite meal. He will often poke his nose into flowers, just to search for it.


Must I explain? If you have a soft blanket, you can expect him sleeping under it.


Specifically ones he can chew on, he has a few plushies that he likes to play with every so often.


Only with those he really trusts, but enjoys alot of physical affection as long as they are gentle with him.


Machinery noises

His time at the lab left him rather scarred, loud whirring always freaks him out.

Canine teeth

Very specific, yes, but his biggest fear is getting eaten. Anytime a dog snaps/chases at him, he breaks into tears instantly.


Enclosed spaces can be comforting, but if he's trapped in a cage, he will not have a good time.

Medical related things

Doctors are scary, everything about the clinic is scary.



Other things he likes

Pinko enjoys many other things! Like soft brushing on his face, bubble baths, being slightly baby talked to, and a few other things!


He's a big fan of dressing up, specifically in wearing different socks, as they cover his stained fur. He loves the color blue and light purples, and will easily rock 'girlish' clothes as long as they are blue/purple.

calming down

Whenever he gets into a triggered state, often, comfort items will help. Specifically his soother, soft plushies, a rattle to distract him, etc.

Something 4

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Pinko was created as a Lab experiment. Specifically, to combine bugs and mammals, or in Pinko’s case, a rabbit and a moth. Pinko was one of the few who was in a stable state after growing for a few months. But he was marked as a failure, he was more rabbit than moth, and was sent to be food for the Lab’s bigger, more successful experiments. Being locked in a cage, and stained with permanent dye to signify he was a bait rabbit.

After a few days of enduring the constant crying of the other bait animals, along with the loud barking and snarling of the hungry beasts, a fire broke out in the lab. Pinko was badly burned from just how close the fire got to him, but it melted the bars just enough for him to escape.


Ocarina encountered both Pinko and Boba when taking her usual stroll around the forest. Pinko and Boba were trampled, left behind by the other experiments that had already scattered. She took them both in, getting them cleaned and gently tended to for the wounds they both had.

Now, Pinko and Boba live a cozy life in the cabin, surrounded by all the children spirits Ocarina cares for. Unfortunately, they don’t get as much attention due to all the children Ocarina has to juggle, but they still love her, knowing she is trying her best.








BEST FRIEND/adopted sister

Boba is Pinko’s best friend, they practically stick together constantly in Ocarina’s home, but Boba can be a bit too hyper sometimes, and overwhelm Pinko, but she always apologizes, which he appreciates.



adopted mother

Ocarina is always sweet and gentle with Pinko, making sure he’s comfortable whenever she does check in on him. Pinko slightly wishes Ocarina would pay attention to him more though, but he understands, she already has so many children to look after.



(NON-CANON)adopted dad

Pinko always loves being with Aphrodite, and just spending time with him. His favorite moments are always when he’s around, and Pinko adores all the love and time he spends with his dad.