Lacey Jai Normandy



1 year, 11 months ago


《 Basics 》

× Lacey Jai Normandy ×

Nicknames | Lace | Jai

Coskar | Rofron

Female | Bisexual | 16 | 5' 8" | 140 | Unicorn Werewolf

Personality | Assertive | Loyal | Honest | Courageous | Determined | Independent |


× Overview / Back story:


× rough past, raised to be the toughest (raised with the saying survival of the fittest)

In detail: 

× parents died when she was 10, she raised herself on the saying she remembered from her parents. She taught herself to do everything she knows, she is very independent.

× Personality:


× unintentionally mean sometimes because she feels threatened by everyone

In detail: 

× She doesn't try to be mean to others, she just fears of caring for people. She thinks everyone will die or abandon her. She sturggles to make friends because she doesn't want to make friends as it is scary to experience the same tragedy again.

■ Speech:

× she speaks with a sort of dominance in her voice, definitely leader material 

■ Afflictions: 

× rough past caused some problems

■ | Affliction 1Depression

■ | Affliction 2Anxiety

■ | Affliction 3Intermittent Explosive Disorder

■ | Others: 


《 Others and Extras》

■ Physical Description:

× 5 feet 8 inches tall, white hair, pale skin, albino wolf form, straight white unicorn horn, loose clothing, usually white, white eyes

■ | Other Notes:

× usually has hair ties in the color black on her wrists

■ Magic Abilities:

× werewolf abilities: super strength and enhanced senses

× uses her abilities to defend those she cares deeply for, and to let out her anger

■ | Ability 1: wolf shifting

■ | Ability 3: night vision

■ | Ability 3: immortal

■ | Ability 4: purification

■ | Ability 5: detection

■ | Ability 6: wish maker

■ Normal Abilities:

■ | Ability 1: n/a

■ Extra and Misc. Facts:

▪ purification - allows for them to purify anything with just a touch of the horn
 detection - allows to sense good or evil in any being or item
▪ wish maker - allows for any wish they want to grant become true

Accessories / Inventory:

■ hair ties (constantly has some)