
+Mooney is a firbolg (bovine-type)

+Mooney is based in D&D 5E.


+Mooney was born to a nomadic tribe of fey-touched firbolgs, however, she had always felt out of place within her group's society. The constant moving, lack of communication with other races, and general dislike for competitiveness left a young Mooney feeling incredibly frustrated. Growing up, she didn't have many friends because of the tribe's constant isolation, and she didn't fare well with other firbolg children. There was, however, one benefit to the continuous moving; the experience of finding and tasting many different foods. At first, it was just different roots, berries, and meats, which in their own right intrigued Mooney, but she wasn't satisfied. Once she was old enough to sneak out, she'd make her way to nearby civilization, and that's where she discovered her love for cheese. As she got older, she continued to sneak out more and more, until finally, she just left. Mooney has since then apprenticed, adventured, and experienced all that life has to offer.+

+Mooney is by no means shy, quite the opposite actually, she's an incredibly bubbly and outgoing firbolg! Her charismatic traits make her an excellent businesswoman, which allowed her to open her own cheesery and small-side winery. She has a tendency to act incredibly motherly towards those younger than her, as well as those that she perceives to be lost or childlike. She can become incredibly protective over her friends, herself, and her business. Other than that, she tends to be incredibly relaxed. During her adventuring days, Mooney was a renowned Cleric who practiced in the Domain of Spice. Her talented spellcasting now serves her in her cheese and winemaking. She's been known to infuse her food with small bursts of vitality cantrips; making it a perfect stop for adventurers.+

+A little-known fact about her is her love for perfumes and scents! A guilty pleasure for her, she has over 40 different perfumes picked up from her various commissions and adventures. Her favorites among them are Vanilla-bean, Raspberry-Juice, and Chocolate-Syrup. Mooney is also a lover of wine, charcuterie boards, and of course, cheese! She's a huge fan of camembert, gouda, brie, and goat cheese! Her preferred wines are plum wine, raspberry champagne, and a hearty white. +


+Mooney is 110 years in age (30ish for firbolgs)

+She goes by she/her (Cis-Woman)

+Mooney is Aroace (However she enjoys the occasional promiscuous outfit! She's a lady of many fashions)

+She's chubby in build and 7'10 in height.