
1 year, 10 months ago


fabi_by_cometthemountainlion_dfjrvy6-preFabiana is an experimental aquatic synth from Katarina-CA. The government on this planet claims itself to be a continuation of the ancient country of Brazil, which was located on Sol-C. Katarina has Portuguese as an official language alongside English, which is much more common in the Outer Rim.

She was made as an experiment in supercavitation. Fabi’s creators set out to make something that could travel through the ocean at insane speeds. Supercavitation is when something, in this case, Fabi herself, is underwater and gases are produced to surround it in a bubble. Being in the water would create a lot of drag for Fabi. However, by breaking the water itself into hydrogen and oxygen, she can generate enough gas to surround herself and avoid the water’s drag and also breathe as normal (Fabi is also equipped with emergency oxygen stored in her thighs). Fabi has two small pulse-detonation engines on her back. With these, she can move through the ocean at Mach 2 because of her supercavitation ability. 

Fabi‘s other role is to explore the oceans of exoplanets.

The ancient Russians experimented with this principle in the 1970s. They built a torpedo called the VA-111 Shkval. Katarinan scientists have expanded the technology to a being slightly larger than a human in the form of Fabi. Now, they are poised to someday apply it to an entire submarine.