Lyli Mayall



6 years, 3 months ago



Name: Lyli Mayall

Gender: Female

Species: Stardasher

Eyes & gems: Teal blue

Height: 5’ 1”

Body type: Thin/rather lanky. Not flat-chested but not busty.

Hair/Tail: Halfback style. Absurdly long with curl and wave (generally uses minor magic to prevent her hair from catching on things)

Age: Mid 20s

Personality traits: Compassionate, minorly introverted, stubborn, caring, self-sacrificing, protective, creative, timid in crowds, has difficulty voicing her opinions, Strong sense of right and wrong, has anxiety and self-doubt.

Likes: Having friends, cuddles, having her hair played with (Braided, brushed or stroked), planning, dry humor, bawdy humor, sweets, most fruits, warm cloaks, supporting others, music, sunsets, and astronomy.

Dislikes: Arguments, slavers, leading, sour things, small/narrow enclosed spaces, letting people down, and losing things


Lyli grew up with very loving parents in a small and relatively secluded tribe. She had a largely happy childhood until she started to show strong magical promise at about the age of thirteen. That was when she began to be pressured to become the tribe's next prophet. With no clear idea of what she wanted for herself and with a desire not to disappoint those around her, she began training. It did not take long for her to be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of time and dedication her teacher demanded. Many in the tribe would insist she mediate or even decide matters of conflict between individuals just as her teacher the prophet did. She often found these matters paralyzing from fear of the making wrong decision or disappointing anyone.

She grew more and more unhappy with her life and apparent destiny as more and more of her time was demanded for training and mediating. It became more and more rare for her to have anytime for herself or with her loved ones and friends which lead to deep depression. She soon became sickly and ill on a frequent basis, spending anytime allowed off for recovery sleeping so she would not have to think or feel guilt.

Eventually she confided in her mother that she had contemplated self harm. Her mother’s immediate response to this was to tell the prophet to find another apprentice. Her daughter’s destiny did not lay on a path of misery. This angered the prophet and they declared that if Lyli abandoned her training she would regret it all her life. Her mother remained firm which gave Lyli the courage to say for herself that she would not continue training to become the tribe’s prophet.

After this, Lyli gradually became much more like herself, but the resentment of her former teacher and of those who still expected her to serve the tribe how they believed she ought, grew to be too uncomfortable to bear. And apart from this, she felt that she wouldn’t find what she was truly meant to do staying in her tribe. She asked her parents blessing for her departure, hugged her family and closest friends farewell.

She is very hopeful for her future now and greets the day without feeling a weight on her back.