


6 years, 8 months ago


Haruke is an extremely withdrawn individual, only really spending time with the small bone creatures she re-animates when she wants company. She was always fascinated with the aspects of life and death, even though she knew thinking of such things was appalling to those around her. So due to her itch for the knowledge of how to bring things back from the dead, Haruke eventually left the safety of her home to hunt down more knowledge.

Her lust for knowledge drove her to fragmenting her very soul, putting a sliver here and there into her creations just to help them live longer. When she no longer wanted a companion she would rip the piece her soul back and watch the constructed body fall limp beside her. The blue glow of her eyes and her deathly pale skin unnerved other Blood Elves that came across her, thinking her to be one of the freed Death Knights.

While she had not met a Death Knight personally, she did wish to. She knew the Lich King had already been torn from his frozen throne, and thus the only ones with the knowledge she craved were the ones freed from his service. She knew her love for necromancy and playing around with the fragments of her own soul would ring a sour note with any she told it to, she couldn’t help it. Death called to her in a way that the high-born life of the Blood Elves never could.