Axel Thorley



1 year, 10 months ago



Name: Axel Thorley

Pronouns: They/He (prefers they slightly more but likes he plenty)

Height: 5'9''

God Tier: Sylph of Time

Dream Moon: Derse

Typing Color: Green (#27b419)

Strife Specibus: Boomerangkind

Guardian: Grandfather (Pop)

Typing Style: types in lowercase but uses proper grammar otherwise.

Flushed: None

Pitch: None

Pale: None

Ashen: None



-they wear headphones. if you're lucky they'll tell you what they're listening to.

-goes to the same school as dean. what no they don't have a massive crush why would you say that

-has gotten bullied most of their life. they don't care at this point

-plays the saxophone

-reads gay comics in class

-is actually sort of a genius in school. dean asks them for help with homework a lot

-grandfather tells them their parents died in a horrible horrible accident after they were born but like refuses to show them any pictures of them. this led axel to be convinced they must have, i don't know, been created in a lab in another world and then be launched on a meteor to earth



Positive: Wren, Dove, Dean

Neutral: All of the trolls (never met)

Negative: None

Wren: Ectosibling. They vibe very well together. Their chats are loaded with cursed images galore.

Dove: Axel doesn't really vibe with Dove's relentless optimism but always tries to entertain her efforts to be cheery.

Dean: ahahahaha you're so hot when you stand up to my bullies for me <3 <3 <3 jkjk... unless