Violet Isamu-Oak



1 year, 11 months ago


Violet Isamu-Oak

Violet Isamu-Oak

バイオレット Violet
The lively battling prodigy!

15 (2032, journey)

39 (2056, Wisteria's story)

Viridian City/Azalea Town

Red Isamu-Oak (father)

Blue Isamu-Oak (father)

Perri Isamu-Oak (brother)

Daisy Oak (aunt)

Samuel Oak (great-grandfather)

Yukio Yamata (future wife)

Wisteria Oak (future child)

Trainer Class

Rising Star (2032)

Elite Four (2043-onward)

Specializes in
Psychic Type
Voice Claim

Violet Isamu-Oak (バイオレット, Violet) is the oldest child of battling legends and previous Champions, Red and Blue.

An energetic, thrill-seeking, and optimistic young girl who, like her fathers, was drawn to the art of Pokemon battling, Violet is a vivacious up-and-coming Trainer bent on exploring the region and competing in as many tournaments as possible. Her partner Pokemon is an Espeon named Vee, who she was raised alongside like siblings.

To the surprise of her parents, Violet started developing psychic abilities when Vee evolved. The two's strong bond seemed to have triggered the sleeping potential within her, allowing it to surface. May it be due to her newfound abilities or not, Violet became drawn to Psychic Types, leading her to center her team about them. Due to her agressive, all-or-nothing style of battling, Violet focuses primarily on Physical attacks - despite her choice of Type specialty.

After starting her journey at age 15, Violet properly formed a rivalry with another girl her age, Yukio Yamata, who held an animosity towards her that Violet then did not understand. However, as time goes on, they put aside their differences and their relationship deepens into something more.

As an adult, Violet's passion for battling burns stronger than ever, and she becomes a full-time Trainer, competing in Leagues and tournaments all across the world.


As a teenager, Violet is 5'6" (168 cm), with an atheltic build. She has tan skin and deep purple eyes. A natural brunette, Violet took up dying her hair bleach-blonde as a preteen, as it helped her to stand out more. She has an undercut, while her longer hair is pulled back into a ponytail. She has thick, dark eyebrows, the left of which she leaves a slit in (because, in her own words, "It looks awesome"). She typically wears athletic or sporty clothing, her main outfit being a matching workout crop top and sport shorts. Under her shorts she wears black compression shorts. Violet also wears black fingerless gloves, white socks, and purple sneakers. She may sometimes wear a purple letterman jacket overtop, with the Viridian Gym badge icon on the front. She's always covered in scrapes and bandages due to her reckless lifestyle. She also always wears a blue, tear-shaped pendent necklace, as it previously belonged to one of her fathers.

As an adult, Violet has grown to 5'9" (175 cm) and sports a muscular, athletic build. She retains her slit-eyebrow look and undercut, along with her dual-toned hair, but has cut it into a shorter, more managable style. Her body is covered in scars from years of training and battling, with a large healed burn spanning across the right side of her abdomen. She keeps her interest in sport-wear, even wearing what appears to be a larger size of her workout top and shorts outfit for her battling appearances. Along with this she wears purple sneakers, black knee guards, and black fingerless gloves. On her left wrist is a Dynamax band. She often has sports bandages wrapped around her upper arms. She still wears her father's pendent as well.


Excitable and lively, Violet is incredibly competitive, and has been taught to never back down from a good 'ol fashioned challenge. She lives for thrills, and has a habit of rushing into things without thinking twice. She's a live wire that lives for the thrill of battle, and always longed to be in the professional circuit - not seeking any fame, but instead the fun! She's very athletic and loves physical activity, having a hard time staying indoors for long periods of time.

Despite her active personality, she doesn’t often cause a large presence whenever she enters a room, and can remain quiet and unseen very easily - in fact, it’s often her default until someone calls upon her. Violet knows practically all the ins and outs of Pokemon, but that doesn’t mean she’s quite the uh… sharpest tool in the shed. She’s a dumbass, actually. Pure of heart, head of empty. She means well, and is actually incredibly empathetic and sensitive to other’s moods and needs - totally the person you’d want to get comfort from in a time of need. However she will not hesitate to call people on bullshit, and blindly defends others that she thinks are being wronged. She's not afraid to jump into hairy situations to defend someone, especially if that someone is a Pokemon.

Violet grew up around Pokemon like family, and considers them such. Some would even say that her mannerisms match that of one, as she's typically wary around newer people and sticks to the sidelines to watch and wait before she's comfortable enough to express herself fully. Violet isn't afraid to get down and dirty, loving the outdoors and feeling completely at home climbing trees or trekking through brush and brambles. Despite being very thoughtful, she has a hard time understanding other's mindsets, especially when they're different from her own. But that doesn't stop her from trying to help!


Early life (0-15)

At 32 years old, famous Trainers Red and Blue have been married for several years and find themselves contacting adoption agencies all over Kanto and Johto for the opportunity to be matched with a child of their own. After a tiresome and fruitless search, they're finally approved and matched with an expecting mother in Johto. She gives birth to a little girl, who immediately captures the hearts of both Trainers. Naming her Violet, they take her back to their home in Viridian to start their new life together as a family.

Red and Blue had been discussing the concept of having a child for years, an idea which both excited and terrified the both of them. Initially, both were rather put off by the idea due to their own troublesome childhoods. As for Red, growing up with an absent father and a mother who struggled day in and out to keep their household afloat had left him to become lonely, guilt-ridden, and self-loathing. The experiences of being a non-speaking autstic child with no access to the support he needed left him with lifelong struggles he dealt with even in the present. Blue, on the other hand, had faced years of neglect from his guardian, Samuel Oak, ever since his parents had passed away, leaving his older sister Daisy to care for and raise the both of them. The compulsive need to prove himself to gain validation from those around him had isolated him throughout his childhood and teen years. Neither thought of themselves as the kind of people who would make good parents. But, in time, their minds began to change when realizing how much the both of them had grown as people. In the first few years of raising Violet, they were still very worried about being good parents, and as such rarely let Violet out of their sights and were constantly checking up on her and making sure she had everything that she needed and was as happy as possible.

With some reassurance from their friends and family, the two new parents began to relax and trust themselves a bit more. Blue, being the Gym Leader of Viridian City, abided by his own schedule, and was absent from his post for months in order to spend time with his daughter. Luckily, this wasn't anything new or surprising to the Gym League, as Blue had always had a habit of disappearing for long periods of time. When Blue was eventually hounded into going back to work by his fellow Gym Trainers, Red became a full-time stay at home father, something of an ironic twist considering his own background. He was more than happy to do so, and while Blue was away at the Gym, Red would introduce Violet to all things Pokemon, often taking her out on walks through the nearby woods.

Violet's parents raised her alongside Pokemon her entire life, leading her to understand them deeper than most people. Her parent's Pokemon were her best friends, and in some cases, were like siblings to her - none more so than Vee, an Eevee born to Red's Pikachu and Blue's Eevee. Born when Violet was roughly 2, the two became inseparable and it was clear they'd made a lifelong bond. They did everything together - eating, sleeping, playing - where one was, the other would surely follow.

When Violet was 7 years old, her parents adopted a second child - a toddler named Perri. Violet was initially put-off by the amount of attention he recieved from their parents, and due to her age was not aware of Perri's high support needs being the reason her parents focused on him so. She began to withdraw from her parents, and spent more time outside with her Pokemon friends - this didn't last long, however, as her parents noticed her change in behavior and confronted her. They explained that Perri hadn't been very happy before he came here, and was still very scared, so they were trying to help him feel at home. They apologized for appearing to "ignore" her, and that it wasn't their intention, and that maybe she could give Perri and chance and try to make him feel at home too. Encouraged by her parents, Violet began trying to connect with Perri, and despite their differences in personality, her experience with Pokemon helped her to reach out to the younger boy. They quickly became rather close, and adopted a comfortable sibling dynamic.

Ever since Violet knew what Pokemon battling was, she was enamoured by it. She loved and idolized her fathers, and battling was a way she could be closer to them while also having loads of fun for herself. She and Vee quickly became an iconic duo, and Violet enjoyed challenging the other kids at school to battles during recess hours or after class. Speaking of her schooling, her fathers made sure that she had a full education, sending her to school in Viridian and always being ready to help her when she needed - whether it be with adjusting to the new environment or with her maths homework (well... Blue mostly took care of the latter, since Red had just as much trouble with it that his daughter did). Despite her fathers being celebrities, Violet felt more or less like any other child, due to her parent's focus on providing her a normal childhood - something neither of them had had. She never picked up Blue's boastful attitude, thankfully, and was more often found minding her own business unless engaged with by other students. Unfortunately, Violet was never socially aware enough to realize that most kids that talked to her were just doing so because of who her family happened to be. But unfortuantely for said kids, Violet was also never socially aware enough to offer to host sleepovers or playdates.

There was one classmate, however, that didn't seem to be amazed with Violet's famous family. Yukio Yamata, the top student, avoided Violet like the plague and constantly gave her dirty looks throughout the schoolday. Violet never appeared to notice Yukio's animosity towards her, and furthermore, didn't even know the girl.

Pokemon Journey (15-18)

Red and Blue were insistant on Violet finishing school. As such, her journey took place during her summer breaks. Violet was incredibly excited to travel Kanto and Johto, and make her start as a competitor in the Indigo League. Her parents were fully supportive of this, helping her train and battling with her inbetween her schoolwork and other teenage activities. However, when her summer break came, they wanted to make sure that Violet didn't have the kind of experience they did as children - one that involved lonely treks through the rain, camping out in the brush miles from any town, and being completely alone and vulnerable in places unsafe for children. Sure, since the years that they'd traveled the region, many changes had been made to ensure safer passage and protection for young Trainers - well-kept paths connecting towns, more Pokecenters and inns, and higher security and more lit walkways to name a few. But, overly concerned as they were, they still wanted Violet to have the most support and protection that she could, going as far as to walk with her to Pewter City despite her exasperation. Violet loved her parents, but she wanted the chance to find things out for herself, like a real Trainer. After talking to them about this, Red and Blue were still reluctant to let her go alone - unfortuantely, Violet didn't have any close friends despite how nice of a girl she was. If she had a group of friends to go with her, things would be different, but ...

It's then that Perri, then 11, pipes up and says he wouldn't mind going with Violet on her journey. His sister and parents are shocked, as Perri was more of a homebody and didn't care for the whole Pokemon Trainer shtick. Red and Blue then begrudgingly agreed to let Violet and Perri go the rest of the way on her own, but not without letting them know that they'd call them every day to check on them, and that they was allowed to come home at any time. After assuring her parents that they were okay, and YES, they had all the emergency supplies and the snacks and YES she had them registered as the emergency contact - Red and Blue gave their kids a proud, slightly tearful good luck-hug before leaving back to Viridian. And with that, Violet's journey had truly began.

It isn't too long after leaving Pewter do Violet and Perri run into their first obstacle - Cerulean City Gym. But the Gym itself wasn't the obstacle in question - rather, it was the person they met there. Yukio Yamata, Violet's classmate. Violet, being how she is, didn't even recognize her. Yukio, however, flew into a rage upon seeing Violet and her brother walk into the Gym. She immediately reacted cold and hostile to her, something that Violet didn't understand at all considering that this girl was a literal stranger to her. Yukio began attacking everything Violet did before challenging her to a battle, which Violet couldn't back down from.

Violet winds up winning rather easily, which infuriates Yukio into storming off, but not before she announces vehemently that she's better than Violet and that Violet will never get anywhere as a Trainer. Still extremely confused, Violet just sort of ... waves her off.

Violet and Perri proceed to make their way to Saffron city, where Violet challenges the Saffron City Gym but loses. The two decide to explore the city a bit more, and as per advice from Blue, they visit the new and prestigious Trainer's School. It's there that they run into a familiar face - Kesho, the child of Blue's close friends, Kris and Whitney. Kesho had taken the Magnet Train from Johto in order to study at the Trainer's School, being a bookworm like his mother, Kris. Violet and Kesho had had several playdates as children, but weren't particularly close as their families lived in other regions. However, Kesho thought that the idea of a Pokemon journey would be a worthwhile experience due to spending most time up to that point studying indoors. Thus, the trio was formed. Kesho helped Violet strategize to overcome the Saffron Gym challenge, and then they left to continue their journey.

In their travels, Violet and her friends would run into Yukio time and time again, and each time resulted in her being hostile and competitive towards Violet (who... still wasn't really sure who she was). As Violet competed for Gym badges, Yukio would challenge her to more battles, which Violet would always win. This appeared to just make Yukio even angrier, which led to Violet calling her parents about the situation. Red and Blue, upon hearing that Violet has a "rival" are initially excited (and a bit smug), that is, until they hear about the nitty-gritty details of how hostile the girl was. The two ask Violet if she'd like them to intervene, but also encourage her to try and reach out to Yukio and solve the issue herself. They both were all-too familiar with troubled kids and their, well... troubles.

Violet is grateful for their advice and makes it her mission to get to the bottom of the Yukio situation - if not a bit obsessively, to her friends' exasperation. Her insistance on trying to pry into why Yukio is so mean to her seems to make Yukio even more upset, ultimately resulting in a blowup between the two in Johto after Violet had, once again, bested her in battle. It's then that Violet learns the reason Yukio appeared to hate her so much - she envied her life. Yukio told Violet that Violet didn't deserve what she had, and didn't deserve her parents, exclaiming tearfully that she'd idolized Red and Blue from a young age and strived her whole life to replicate their story of rising out of a troubled home to find your own happiness. But no matter how hard she struggled every day to do so, Violet was always one step ahead, never having to work for anything.

Yukio runs off into Ilex Forest, as the group had been in Azalea town at the time. Violet, wanting to make things right, follows her in. After searching for a while, she finds Yukio, lost, crying under the forest shrine. Violet sits down and the two have a heart-to-heart. She then helps lead Yukio out of the forest, telling the girl stories about her dads all the while, and even offering to bring Yukio to visit them if she wanted to. By that point, they'd found the exit to the forest. Yukio looks away and says quietly that she'll "think about it".

As Violet's journey continues, she and Yukio run into one another on better terms than before, though their relationship is still rather rocky. Yukio is far behind Violet in terms of battling skill, which the two discuss. Yukio admits to pursuing battling because it was what Red and Blue did, and not understanding why no matter how hard she trained, she could never get the hang of it despite loving the sport otherwise. Violet suggests the idea that Yukio find her own way to enjoy Pokemon battles instead of trying to be someone she's not. After that, Yukio slowly abandons her original quest to challenge the League and instead spends more time with Violet and her friends, becoming an honorary part of the group.

Violet's journey ends when she finally challenges the Indigo League. Her friends and family are happy to support her from the sidelines, including Yukio, who after 3 years had become very close with Violet. Violet proves herself as a formidable battler despite her young age, coming in third place in the tournament.

Adult Life (20-39)

After her League challenge, Violet's passion for battling only grows. She loved the sport, and loved the thrills it gave her. So, after graduating, she trains with her father at Viridian Gym in order to eventually make her start as a professional Trainer. He helps her craft a balanced team, despite Violet choosing to be a Type specialist - and also manages to coach her Psychic types into being formidable Physical attackers. He considers it one of his greatest accomplishments.

Violet takes what she learned from her dads and puts it to the test in regional tournments across Johto and Kanto. After her debut in the Indigo League years prior, she's already made a name for herself and takes any challenge that comes her way. Her fathers attend each one of her tournaments, as does Yukio. The two had been dancing around feelings for one another for a while now, Violet especially as she hadn't even recognizes her romantic feelings as romantic for years. Despite this, the two remain close friends, and it's Violet that Yukio comes to first when she lands an internship as a sportscaster for Pokemon battles. Estatic for her friend, Violet fumbles her words and eventually winds up confessing to her in an extremely awkward, totally Violet fashion. Yukio luckily finds this incredibly endearing, and the two happily start dating, getting married at 24. Nearly a year later, Violet scores a well-earned position as an Elite Four for the Indigo League.

Two years later, despite the two's careers rapidly picking up traction, they decide to have a baby. Kesho agrees to be the surrogate father, and Yukio carries the baby. Wisty becomes Violet's pride and joy, and she makes sure to say a shoutout to her beloved wife and child before every battle. Violet and Yukio, after having the baby, move to Azalea Town for quieter personal lives, starkly contrasting their action-filled and exciting professional ones.

Wisteria's Story (39)

As Wisteria grows up, Violet's career continues as she becomes a famous name in battling circuits around the world, often leaving Johto to compete in tournaments in other regions. Yukio's schedule as a sportscaster is also booked tight. Violet tries to manage her time at home to spend it with her family, and talks a lot with Yukio about alternating who leaves home so that someone's always spending time with Wisty. Despite their efforts, young teen Wisteria feels ignored by their parents and winds up spending a lot of time alone in Ilex Forest, refusing to confront their parents about the actual problem. Violet tries to make conversation, but has never been the best at subtely or social cues, so most of her attempts fall flat. As she and her wife discuss one day about sitting down with Wisty, their child suddenly bursts through the front door in tears, jumping into their arms. Wisty apologizes for being so harsh to their parents and not talking to them, and tells their moms how much they're thankful for them. Violet and Yukio are, realistically, in shock. But they then too apologize for how busy they've been and not trying harder to connect with them. Moving forward, the family promises to be more open and honest with one another, and to spend more time together.


Violet's team is comprised of all Psychic Types, with the exception of Foo the Mienshou. Most of the Pokemon on Violet's professional battling team are ones that she went on her original journey with. Violet loves each of her Pokemon dearly, and they're all like family to her. Vee, her partner, has been with her practically since birth, and Violet considers them a sibling. Violet's psychic abilities allow her to communicate telepathically with her Pokemon in and out of battle, allowing Trainer and Pokemon to be totally in sync and battle as one entity. This has made Violet a fearsome competitor in battling circuits, and cements her as a powerful and skilled member of the Indigo League.

Calm Mind
Morning Sun
Dazzling Gleam
SynchronizeSassyViolet's first Pokemon, and beloved partner. Vee began as an Eevee, and originally the plan was to evolve them into a Jolteon. Fate had other things in store however, and at the last moment Vee evolved into an Espeon - by chance unlocking Violet's latent psychic abilities as well. Because of this, Violet decided to become a Type specialist. Vee in a force to be reckonned with in battle, boosting their Special Attack with Calm Mind before letting loose an insane amount of damage with their Psyshock. They're a sassy, rather cold little kitty with a sore losing streak and a mean stink-eye.
308-f.pngDidiHigh Jump Kick
Psycho Cut
Ice Punch
Bullet Punch
Pure PowerJollyAn easygoing Medicham that becomes a flurry of flying fists and kicks on the battlefield. Didi was Violet's third Pokemon, and through her the Trainer found a love of Physical battle strategies. Now, Didi is a ferocious force in battle, and is also Violet's favorite Pokemon to spar with! Didi, being a bit of an airhead, often forgets to hold her punches and winds up hitting her beloved Trainer a BIT harder than she should, but luckily, Violet hasn't gotten TOO hurt... yet.
Psycho Cut
Night Slash
ContraryAdamantA rather serious Malamar who wears a constant look of disaproval. Acts as if they're too old for all this nonsense - whatever that may mean. Regardless, they love to sweep other Pokemon teams in battle, taking smug pride in taking out a Trainer's whole party with little effort. Powerful and intimidating, he's definitely the scariest Pokemon visually on Violet's team, but don't let that lower your guard.
475.pngRamZen Headbutt
Drain Punch
Bulk Up
Night Slash
SteadfastHastyA nervous and jittery Gallade who Violet recieved as a Ralts. Violet named him after his tendency to headbutt everything in sight. He still retains this defense instict, loving to use Zen Headbutt to knock Flying type foes out of the air and to just mercillesly pummel opponents otherwise. Despite their rather wild behavior in and out of battle, Ram also loves to relax in the sun or in Violet's lap after a long day of running his head into trees.
620.pngFooFake Out
Stone Edge
High Jump Kick
Inner FocusJollyA ditzy little Mienshou who's a conniving menace in battle, utilizing Fake Out and U-turn to tire out and infuriate opponents into slipping up and lowering their guard. With High Jump Kick at their disposal, they aren't something to be taken lightly and are often sent out to start off and finish battles. Foo loves to play and recieve attention inside and outside of battle, often competing with Vee for the spotlight and Violet's affections. Foo is also the newest addition to Violet's team.
Hidden Power (Fighting)
Magic GuardTimidViolet's second Pokemon. Abby is a reliable tank with Substitute to guard her while she traps opponents into a losing game with Encore. Abby is very self-conscious outside of battle, and despite her size she tends to hide behind her Trainer and teammates when around other people or Pokemon. In battle, however, she and Violet trust one another completely and move in total sync, second to only Violet and Vee. Abby used to be very afraid of Yukio due to how hostile the girl was, but now the two are close friends, with Abby following the woman around nearly everywhere and loving to help her with chores and work.

{Credit for the Malamar sprite goes to conyjams on DeviantArt}

Battling Strategy

Violet is a Type specialist, relying primarily on Psychic Types. However, unlike most Psychic Type users, Violet's team is crafted to focus on Physical attacks rather than Special. Utilizing Psyshock and Psycho Cut as sweeping moves, Violet mows down opponents in front of her. Each one of her Pokemon have learned moves to cover their own (and their teammates') weaknesses. Violet switches her Pokemon in and out in tandem to produce ground-shaking damage and ferocious combos that leave other Trainers in the dust. She strikes hard, fast, and without mercy, not leaving her opponents time to think. With her telepathy allowing her to be totally in sync with her Pokemon, she doesn't spare a moment of time, acting on pure instinct. Despite her very offensive strategy, Violet has been coached by her father, Blue, and is an expert when it comes to covering her defensives, boosting her Pokemon's abilities, and pulling off devasting chains of moves. Violet has a Dynamax band, and is able to use it during tournaments and battles in Galar.


Red Isamu-Oak

One of Violet's fathers. Violet adores her dad, having spent a lot of time with him as a child. Violet was inseparable from him in her earlier years, constantly clinging to his arms or legs as he went about his daily business. Red was and still is a very gentle father figure, paying close attention to Violet's boundaries and has acted as a means of support and a calming prescense in Violet's life. Red was the one who introduced Violet to Pokemon, often taking her out on long walks in Viridian Forest to spend time with nature. Red taught Violet how to communicate with and how to understand Pokemon in the way he'd learned how, and would always be raising Pokemon alongside her throughout her childhood. This gave Violet her deep connection to Pokemon, and her unshaking loyalty to them. It's because of Red that she'll put down her life to protect Pokemon in danger. As Violet got older, she felt she could always talk to her dad about anything - even if she knew he probably wouldn't have the answer. Red also helped to train her in battling, especially after she began her journey. Violet very much admires her dad, and is very grateful for him, but due to how domestic her life was with him (and knowing how much of a dork he is) she can't ever see him as anything other than her dad, despite others being amazed that she was raised by one of the most skilled Trainers in history.

Blue Isamu-Oak

Violet's other father, who she lovingly calls "pops". Violet and Blue are a fearsome duo to be reconned with. When Violet was a baby, Blue took a long break from his work as a Gym Leader to raise her. As such, Violet is very close to him. Blue was definetely the more active parent in Violet's life, always encouraging her to follow her dreams and be proactive about her choices. In her earlier years, he was also a bit of a helicopter parent, constantly supervising her and making sure she was always 100% a-okay. Violet, although young, was annoyed by this and enjoyed her quiet time to herself, causing her to cling to Red moreso than her pops as he was more leniant. As Violet got older, Blue relaxed more and he and Violet became very close again. Blue has a way of riling up and exciting Violet, their personalities playing off one another much too well. Violet loves and admires her pops, and has always wanted to be like him growing up as he'd come home and tell her about all the exciting battles at the Gym - something Violet found amazing. When Violet began her journey, Blue helped to train her - but it was when Violet was trying out for the League that the two really spent the most time together. Blue brought Violet to Viridian Gym to train, teaching her complex strategies and helping to mold her team into an unstoppable force.

Perri Isamu-Oak

Violet's younger brother. Her parents adopted Perri when she was 7, and Violet immediately noticed that their focus had shifted from her to him - something that didn't sit well with her. She withdrew from her parents during this short period, refusing to spend time inside and instead playing out in the yard and the woods with Pokemon. Again, this period was short, as her fathers quickly noticed her change in behavior and came to talk to her about it. Violet was quiet and hurt, not wanting to speak to either of them, but eventually admitted to feeling ignored. Red and Blue were incredibly upset to hear this, although it's what they'd expected. They apologized heavily to their daughter, explaining that they didn't mean to make her feel that way and were just trying to help Perri feel at home. They explained to her that Perri needed a lot of help with things that were easy for Violet, so they wanted to make sure he was okay. Eventually, they ended the talk by asking Violet to give her brother a chance and welcome him. Violet sat on the idea for a day or so before approaching Perri. Perri - still a toddler then - was very skittish and untrusting of Violet. Violet wasn't deterred though, as sometimes wild Pokemon were afraid of her at first, too. So she took things slow, and eventually Perri warmed up to her. The two became stuck like glue almost instantly after that. Perri being mute wasn't something Violet ever struggled with, as her dad was selectively mute and she herself was well versed in non-speaking methods of communication. They fell into a comfortable sibling dynamic, parallel playing outside with different Pokemon and occassionally chasing eachother around like maniacs or slapping eachother with various objects. Perri loves to encourage Violet's impulsive behavior, rather than act as a diffuser, which has gotten the two of them in trouble numerous times - but they remain close nonetheless.

When Vee evolved, Violet unlocked her psychic powers, allowing her access to telepathy. This made her and her brother's bond even deeper than before, as she could now literally hear his voice in her head when she wanted to - immediately she and Perri began having full conversations telepathically, and the development helped her translate for him more accurately (although she does omit the ... cruder parts of Perri's responses. Most of the time). Violet was glad to have Perri come along on her journey, and the two grew closer the more time they spent away from home - despite their occassional fights (most of which took place telepathically, and ended with Violet screaming into empty air). Perri always supported Violet endeavors, even if he makes fun of her constantly for basically everything, but hey. That's just siblings. Even as adults, the two retain their childish dynamic or teasing eachother and arguing in eachother's heads.

Daisy Oak

Daisy is Violet's cool aunt. Violet loved to take trips to Daisy's labs in Pallet (which she'd inherited from she and Blue's grandfather) to see all the Pokemon and research she did there, even if Violet herself didn't understand most of it. Daisy was busy a lot, but with her time off she'd often come visit Viridian. Daisy was always kind and loved spending time with her niece and nephew, often taking them out for walks in the woods or for treats in the city. She often attended their family get-togethers and vacations as well. Violet also thinks it's funny when Daisy and her pops tease one another like kids.

Samuel Oak

Violet's great-grandfather. Violet never really knew why her pops was so insistant on not letting her see him when she was little. She knew that her great-gramps was a Pokemon scientist and he used to run aunt Daisy's labs, but her pops didn't seem to like him very much. Her dad told her that Blue and his grandpa had some problems before Violet was born and that it was still hard for Blue to spend time with him. Violet felt bad for both her pops and her great-gramps, and eventualy began asking to see him. Blue was initially hesitant, but with a talk from Red he finally agreed. Oak was pretty surprised to see his grandson's family visiting, but was excited to meet Violet. Violet at the time, couldn't see why her pops was still upset with Oak, as her great-gramps was very nice and silly with her. She liked talking to him about Pokemon, something he was rather knowledgable about. During these visits, Violet would sometimes catch glimpses or overhear her pops and great-gramps talking - though it was rare. She was still upset that her pops appeared so unhappy - she'd never seen him with such a hurty and scary expression. After Perri was added to the household, Violet began asking Blue more about the problems he had with Oak, as she wanted to help fix them so they could be a family. Blue told her that was sweet, but it wasn't her problem to fix. He eventually told her that when he was little, his parents had passed away, so his gramps took care of him and Daisy. But he didn't really pay attention to them much, outright ignoring Daisy and making Blue feel like he needed to be someone better than he was to make his gramps love him. He told Violet that his gramps acted that way because he was sad over losing his son, but it still wasn't an excuse, as he wound up hurting Blue a lot. Blue told Violet he knew Oak was trying to be family again, and he was okay with Violet spending time with her great-gramps as long as she was happy, but he himself was still hurting a bit and it'd take time to fix that. As the years went on, Blue and Oak's relationship improved bit by bit as Violet and Perri visited more often.


The son of Violet's pops' friends, Kris and Whitney, who lived in Johto. When Violet was little, the two families would have playdates, and Violet would be able to spend time with Kesho. Kesho, a stark contrast to Violet's personality, always acted as impulse control and kept Violet from hurting herself - though she sometimes thought of him as a stick in the mud. She did enjoy playing outside with him, as Kesho shared a passion for sports and physical activity. After Perri was adopted, Violet and Kesho didn't see eachother very much - that is until her journey when she and Perri ran into Kesho in Saffron City. He agreed to come along with them, giving he and Violet some time to catch up. Kesho was booksmart and experienced in strategy, so he oftentimes helped Violet out on her journey, giving her tips to overcome tough obstacles like Gym challenges. He acted as a mediator between Perri and Violet, preventing them from getting into too much trouble, and was also very self-reliant, being the one to take care of checking the group into Pokecenters or inns for the night, along with buying things from stores. Violet considers him a really close friend, and admires his vast knowledge of basically everything (she did bother him to help with her homework a lot as a teen). The two are close even as adults, so much so that Violet asks him to be the doner for she and Yukio's baby.

Yukio Yamata

Yukio was Violet's classmate in school, but she never really talked to her or even knew her - to the extent of not recognizing her the first few times they crossed paths on Violet's journey. Yukio was immediately hostile and competitive towards her, which Violet didn't understand at all. She wasn't ever really mad at Yukio - just confused and annoyed at some points because WHY was this random girl out for her head. It took Perri telling her that Yukio was in their school for Violet to even get an inkling of who she was. Violet, competitive in her own right, never backed down from Yukio's challenges, and always came out victorious. Violet was a good sport about it - but Yukio was not. Another thing Violet just never understood at the time. Violet eventually calls her fathers for advice on the subject. They're intially rather excited to hear she has a rival, which Violet rolls her eyes at, but they then become more concerned as Violet goes on. Blue explains that the situation seems all too familiar and for Violet to not take things personally, as it sounds like Yukio has some personal problems that are making her hurt and causing her to lash out. They advise Violet to try and make things right with her, and to talk to her. And so, Violet becomes hyperfocused on solving the Yukio situation, not-so-subtly asking the girl outright what her issue it multiple times... which never goes over well. It leads to them having a blowout in Johto after another battle, where Yukio admits that she envied her life. Yukio told Violet that Violet didn't deserve what she had, and didn't deserve her parents, exclaiming tearfully that she'd idolized Red and Blue from a young age and strived her whole life to replicate their story of rising out of a troubled home to find your own happiness. But no matter how hard she struggled every day to do so, Violet was always one step ahead, never having to work for anything. Yukio runs off into Ilex Forest, as the group had been in Azalea town at the time. Violet, wanting to make things right, follows her in. After searching for a while, she finds Yukio, lost, crying under the forest shrine. Violet sits down and the two have a heart-to-heart. She then helps lead Yukio out of the forest, telling the girl stories about her dads all the while, and even offering to bring Yukio to visit them if she wanted to.

As Violet's journey continues, she and Yukio run into one another on better terms than before, though their relationship is still rather rocky. Yukio is far behind Violet in terms of battling skill, which the two discuss. Yukio admits to pursuing battling because it was what Red and Blue did, and not understanding why no matter how hard she trained, she could never get the hang of it despite loving the sport otherwise. Violet suggests the idea that Yukio find her own way to enjoy Pokemon battles instead of trying to be someone she's not. After that, Yukio slowly abandons her original quest to challenge the League and instead spends more time with Violet and her friends, becoming an honorary part of the group. As time goes on, Violet realizes she's developed romantic feelings for Yukio - thought it takes a LOT of help from her friends and family because she's dense as a brick. Despite this, the two remain close friends, and it's Violet that Yukio comes to first when she lands an internship as a sportscaster for Pokemon battles. Estatic for her friend, Violet fumbles her words and eventually winds up confessing to her in an extremely awkward, totally Violet fashion. Yukio luckily finds this incredibly endearing, and the two happily start dating, getting married at 24, and having their child, Wisteria, soon after.

Violet loves Yukio with everything she has. Despite getting off on the wrong foot, Violet held a lot of empathy for her, especially after talking to her fathers about Yukio's rivalry with her. She wanted to help, and that drove her to keeping trying to connect to the girl. When Yukio vented her true issues with Violet, Violet felt even worse - Yukio's struggles reminded her a lot of her pops' when he was a kid. After talking to Yukio on better terms, she found that Yukio was actually a rather soft-spoken and down-to-earth person, who also shared a passion for Pokemon like Violet did. Yukio always listened intently when Violet infodumped to her, and Violet loved listening to her rant as well - it made Violet feel warm inside to hear Yukio say that no one had ever been willing to just LISTEN to her before like Violet did. Later on, they have a more playful relationship, with Yukio teasing Violet and the latter constantly going into "I love my wife" rants on live television.

Wisteria Oak

Violet and Yukio's darling baby child who does no wrong in their eyes - for the most part. Violet adores Wisty and spending time with them and her wife as a family. She and Yukio moved to Azalea specifically for them, so they could have a more domestic and relaxing environment to grow up in. Violet loves to take Wisty on nature walks in Ilex Forest, and is also the one who taught Wisty how to battle. Violet has a rather beefy schedule, being an Elite Four, and wishes she was home more often. She sometimes feels guilty with having to work so much, which has caused tension between her and Wisty before. But for the most part, the two have a close relationship.

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