❌ Seeker's Comments

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sorry if my English is bad

but my god I love the design and the color of her skin aaaaaaaaaa <3
and I would be friends with this child yaisho

i absolutely adore their design :0 <3! if they're still available, i'd love to be considered!

if given the chance, id name them reeva! they would be a heavenly being who resides in heaven. he works with astrology, and controls the night skies and people's dreams. and to stay true to their name (which means guiding light) they do often come down to the human realm disguised, and help the people who need it. overall they're just a really sweet guy whose tired most of the time considering they have to stay awake 24/7. oh and i'd definitely pair them with belphegor, a demon residing in the human realm who takes them in since they have no where to stay!

tysm for the chance <3

They are so cuuute, I'd love to make them a magic researcher in my world of plushinalities! Actually they'd be the head researcher who discovered how the mysterious plushes that appeared one day work.

They’re adorable! I’d probably have them as a sona, and maybe make or commission a fursuit of/for them! <33

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I would love to snag this lil guy ;0;
I don't have a lot of lore ideas for them yet, but here's a few off the top of my head:
- A respected prodigy from Magocina, well known for their positive attitude and willingness to help anyone out
- They are very enrapt by astrology, causing them to be sleep deprived as they spend their entire nights studying the stars
- They have missed their classes on several occasions as well, due to being too absorbed by the astrology books they carry
- Very oblivious

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aaaaaa baby !! I'd love to be considered <3

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oo can i claim them? i want to try drawing more darker (in color) themed characters with more complex designs

I absolutely love the design and would like to add them to a cast of characters I have for a world I’m building in my unsorted folder 


Thanks for the opportunity.