


1 year, 11 months ago



If Hornetfrost is anything, she’s an efficient and effective worker, experienced and comfortable with her craft. Her role as a healer serves as a safety vest of sorts, reassuring her of her skills and giving her an orderly routine to fall into. She likes having a role within the clan, and knowing that she is needed. Because of this, she is incredibly adaptive to the needs of her clan, and also in general. If her clan needs her in one place, she goes there, if she needs to do one thing, she does that thing. And she does it well. At the same time, she is conscientious of her actions. Both in practice and in her casual life, she often takes great care with those around her. Whether this is due to some fear of failure, or simply her caring nature, is unclear to all except those who have the privilege of calling her a friend. In the same vein, Hornetfrost is incredibly earnest. When it comes to socializing, she will always readily give away any advice that someone may ask of her. She is a people-pleaser, afterall, and what is she if she doesn’t provide such consolations?

Without a doubt, Hornetfrost is a practical cat when it comes to situations that require logistics. She is always concerned with the actual effectiveness of a method, be it the best way to break disappointing news to a friend, or the best way to mend her clanmate’s ailments. She is a “rip-off-the-bandaid” type of cat, much preferring to do away with the worst aspects of a situation before tackling the problem at hand. In an effort to focus herself on such issues, however, Hornetfrost is frequently very preoccupied. It seems that the cat is always busying herself with something, always having something to do or something to fix. Some might claim it’s a coping mechanism to distract herself from her personal issues, but she’d snippily argue otherwise. More obvious, however, is her tendency to be skeptical. Sarcastic and straight to the point, it’s no surprise that this antsy she-cat has a cynical streak. For someone who is so in-her-head about everything, she’s bound to have her questions, and as a result, doubts. She is not quick to believe what she hears by word-of-mouth, and instead prefers to garner her opinions from her own experiences.

On the flip-side, everything that Hornetfrost armors herself with in practice, she fails at in her personal life. She might be adaptive, practical, and sarcastic in the workplace, but those tired eyes allude to more than just long days on the job; she endures many sleepless, worry-filled nights. She is an inherently anxious cat, and it is something that she has grappled with since kithood. Although she’s managed to conquer much of her anxieties, her aloof nature is only a front for a much more troubled and repressed she-cat. Overthinking everything, she can be quite absentminded. Despite the value she places in efficiency, when she’s left alone to her vices, she often finds her paws sorting herbs in the wrong places while her mind wanders elsewhere. This can serve as a detriment to her social life, and some cats have even claimed that it makes it hard to form a connection with her, or even have a long-winded conversation. The interactions she initiates with others are often kept short for fear of rambling too much, or accidentally exposing any essence of the turmoil she experiences on a daily-basis. Rather than actually working through these issues, she’s proven herself to be explicitly avoidant of them. There’s always an excuse for why she shouldn’t be talking to someone; “Ah, gotta go restock the marigold, see you later” “I think the elders’ bedding needs to be changed-” “I promised Rookveil that I’d help with something today-”. Hornetfrost is never short of reasons to not be standing around, and her paws are always busy, constantly moving. She has a depleted understanding of self-worth, and because of this, has a tendency to work herself to the bone in hopes of those personal problems simply melting away.

  • Loud spaces. She tends to get overstimulated, and will often become quiet, and snippy when bothered.
  • Leafbare. Although she likes how the snow quiets the universe, she wishes she didn’t feel so dismal during such a magical season.
  • Aggressive cats. Why are they so angry?
  • Quiet spaces. She has her designated “quiet time”, usually taking place right as the sun begins to peak over the horizon.
  • A successful treatment of any of her clanmates. It reassure her of her capabilities, and she uses it as a bandaid for her actual problems.
  • Being alone



Character Name

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Toffee chocolate cake caramels brownie dessert pudding cake. Dragée sesame snaps pie cupcake macaroon croissant icing. Pudding candy candy apple pie cake wafer macaroon cotton candy pie.


Character Name

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Toffee chocolate cake caramels brownie dessert pudding cake. Dragée sesame snaps pie cupcake macaroon croissant icing. Pudding candy candy apple pie cake wafer macaroon cotton candy pie.


Character Name

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Toffee chocolate cake caramels brownie dessert pudding cake. Dragée sesame snaps pie cupcake macaroon croissant icing. Pudding candy candy apple pie cake wafer macaroon cotton candy pie.

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