Splinter Caywood



6 years, 4 months ago



Splinter Caywood

The Weakling that actually becomes his own hero.


Nova but he prefers Splinter, a word to summarize him is like looking up synonyms for the word coward. All the ‘passion’ he had of battling flew out the window once again with another run in with some Lawbots. Finally not dealing with them any more he hides in his roommates house. Eventually, hes gonna have to tough it out or just get captured again…unless he spills the beans…too bad he doesn't remember.

Splinter has also been told by others that Dash, is actually a bad influence and a bad friend which he doesnt believe its true and think everything he does is justified. Eventually it could lead to the near death of both of them if he keeps this up.

Overall, Splinter only stays inside and keeps to himself afraid of any Lawbots could snatch him off the streets and take him in for questioning. He cares more about others than himself to which is why he hadnt 'quit' his job because he was afraid of others getting involved, when really it should be himself getting involved.



Nova `Splinter` Caywood Age 20
Birthday October 24th Zodiac Scorpio
Alias Splinter Nicknames Split-Ears, Splinny, Splinta`
Alignment True Neutral Species Rabbit
Gender/Sex Male Pronouns he/him


Occupation None ‘Technically he’s employed…since he never quit..hes just hiding from his problems’ Actual Occupation Toonfest Token Manager, HQ Officer for The Brrrgh: Rank: 4
Place of Residence  Donald's Dreamland: Dash's House Birthplace The Brrrgh
Nationality Italian Accent/Dialect 35% Italian Accent,
Orientation Panromantic Asexual who happens to be Polyamorous Relationship Status Questioning...Single???


HTML by: KnightOfSpring
Background by: Here

Owner: pumpkin2swirly
Title: The Coward
Status: Active
Currently: Hiding from cogs
Open for: RP/Relationships


  • Anything with Stars
  • Icecream
  • Helping others to a degree
  • Baking
  • Cleaning


  • Cogs to a degree
  • Lawbots
  • Cog Buildings
  • Helping Dash to a degree
  • Resistance Rangers


  • Reading History/Science books for fun
  • Star Gazing
  • Fishing
  • Running/Hiding from cogs
  • Helping younger toons with tasks


Two traits to summarize Splinter's personality would be Coward and Caring, he stays in the houseall day afraid of Lawbots getting to him but if a friend is in need he'll leave just to help them out. This makes it difficult for him to meet more people unless forced out the house by his roommate Dash.

He'll easily sacrafice himself for the sake of others, but he can also lie to get himself out of a situation if it involves lawbots. Luckily, he doesnt do this often and would rather stick with the truth unless necassary. Plus, the only friends he makes are the ones that save his life.



  • Creative
  • Intelligent
  • Friendly
  • Dedicated
  • Helpful to a degree
  • Caring
  • Patient


  • Clingy to a degree
  • Coward
  • Sly
  • Timid
  • Close-Minded
  • Emotional
  • Naive


He's 5'3, and seems to have a buff build for being a weakling.

His right ear is cut/split, he has a scar starting from The middle of his back to The right.

Typical emerald/green rabbit. His hair is brown styled as a Pompadour.


  • Flaws Splinter, at times can be seen always paranoid about something, gullible, and judgemental.

  • Quirks He's interested in going to outer space, he is prone to fidget when worried, twitches his nose when nervous or shy, gets annoyed when people fake Their intelligence and get away with it.
  • Skills He can clean and organize anything, knows a lot about history and science, good at baking, fishing, can play the piano decently, can run for long period of time or long distances.


  • Superficial goal Work up the courage to go outside more.
  • Ultimate goal Get Lawbots off his back, leave Dash, and get back into helping others while living a peaceful, but also successful life.
  • Motivation His mother, secret box of money he has saving for an apartment, getting a pep talk from his friends, Splinter Protection Squad.
  • Conflict Lawbots eventually capturing him and putting him on trial or cutting to the chase and he goes 'missing'missing Dash getting riled up and refusing for him to leave.
  • Awakening Realizes what the Lawbots wants and works up the courage to refuse their request, also realizing Dash is a jerk and doesn't have to do what he says so he leaves.



early childhood(3 - 5): During these years, an mega invasion was in process of Skelecogs, Lawbots to be exact, his mother gets captured by a high leveled Skelecog(Lvl. 15) as a threat for not having some form of blueprints and was never heard from ever again...

childhood(6 - 9): Around the age of 7, He gets stuck in a Lawbot building looking for the Blizzard Wizard so he could get his dads colors back to normal. Gets Roughed up by the Lawbots since he wouldnt tell them about some blueprints that he has no clue about. After that hes, locked in a broom closet until toons came and rescued him. Nvever told his dad about the incident.

adolescence/tween(10 - 12): Not motivated to do anything, slowly turns in tasks afraid of Lawbots watching. Took awhile to finish TTC and DD...

adolescence/teen(13 - 16): Gets motivated by an HQ Officer in the Brrrgh that knew his mom to work hard and get a spot on the team, to which he does, and works there for awhile. Child Prodigy in a way...

Also at age 16, His dad tells him about these Space Bots and where the blueprints are and stuff...he eventually forgets over the years.

teen continued(16 - 18): Around these years, he keeps getting sent letters signed by a Backstabber that are basically threats. He panics and abruptly leaves his job as HQ OFficer and never returns... stays at home for days.

young adulthood(19 - 25): Works up the courage to get a job as an Toonfest Token Manager to help pay rent and get out more. Currently working up more courage to go to a private location thanks to a letter attached to a brick that got thrown at his window. He has to go alone...


Takes place in future/not related to in game progress


Surprisingly, he is Toon-Upless...Even though he loves Helping others he doesn't want to be The main one responsible for tooning up the group. As, it adds pressure on him and makes him feel responsible if they all go sad.


Level: 5

Favorite: Marbles


Level: 5

Favorite: Small Magnet


Level: 6

Favorite: Aoogah


Level: 6

Favorite: Whole Fruit Pie


Level: 5

Favorite: Seltzer Bottle


Level: 5

Favorite: Safe


  • His Laff Meter is correct, he's stuck on 42 out of 60 because treasures don't heal him as much anymore and may be due to depression. He's slowly healing though.
  • He's actually part Italian thanks to His mom's side of the family. However, he doesn't speak it a lot and sometimes slips out especially when angry or nervous. Only uses it around her side of the family.
  • He has a wide range of colorful/patterned bow-ties, overalls, and shirts he only wears His siginture clothes because He's unsure what people would think of him.
  • He has three cousins(5 yrs old) who happen to be triplets...they look up to him so much and he wishes they didnt.
  • His actual name is Nova, which means new/new star.
  • Everyone from his father's side is named related to stars and space. Their occupations also involve around Science and Technology.
  • He has had past trauma and is also depressed but rarely anyone knows due to him hiding it pretty well.

In Game Progress

Toontown Central
Donalds Dock

Daisy's Gardens
Minnie's Melodyland
The Brrrgh
Donald's Dreamland




We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars...

Oscar Wilde- Brainy Quote


Emma Caywood Mother: Deceased

Rigel Sparklehop Father

Astro Sparklehop Uncle

Danica Sparklehop Cousin

Astin Sparklehop Cousin

Sterling Sparklehop Cousin


  • Full Playlist Link Coming Soon

    Theme Song


  • Rocketeer: Far East Movement


  • Something More: Kozoro


  • In The End: Linkin Park


  • Safe and Sound: Capital Cities


  • Fireflies (Said The Sky Remix): Owl City


  • We No Speak Americano: Polanda Be Cool vs. DCUP


  • Shooting Stars: Bag Raiders


  • The Kill: 30 Seconds To Mars




  • Dasher Hedge Childhood Friend, BestFriend(to a degree), Roommate, ex-boyfriend/crush

  • Riggy Marole Boss, Close Friend, Love Interest

  • Casper CarrothopFriend (?)

  • Sir Pumpkinchomp Friend

  • Fiver Friend (?), saved his life

  • Terry Pacific Bestfriend

  • Bearly Friend

  • Miss Bubbles Friend

  • May Flowers Close Friend

  • April Close Friend


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Splinter takes on more of his dad's side then his mother's side when it comes to the main theme of his aesthetic...Stars and Space. He loves to star gaze, and his actual name, Nova, means new/new star so of course hes gonna take an interest in stars.

His other aesthtic is snowy nights, as from his childhood he used to live in The Brrrgh. He loved to go outside and walk the snowy streets with the soft glow of the streetlights illuminating on him as he went. Even snow in general is an aesthtic for him...

Another major aesthtic is Dreamy Nights or Cloudy Nights in other words...Since he currently lives in Donald's Dreamland, the atmosphere is always dreamy with a soft shade of purple that he can just chill on a bench near his house or playground and relax looking at the stars.

Other aethetics may include, Neon Lights perferbably blue, orange, and purple, patterned bowties, rainy nights, night in general with lights. All images here dont belong to me...