Ardat Lili



1 year, 11 months ago


《 Basics 》

× Ardat Lili ×

Nickname | Arda

Zocrus | Town

Female | Homosexual | 16 | 5' 8" | 140 | Demon

Personality | Gentle | Passionate | Loving | Kind | Fearful |


× Overview / Back story:


× Her parents raised her to be a monster but she defies what they have taught her about others

In detail: 

× Ever since she was a kid her parents told her how cruel all the other species were and how when she left the unkown she would need to be able to destroy all of them otherwise she would end up going back to the unkown to live the rest of her immortal life with her parents. When she came into the world and out of the unkown she was terrified, she immideately thought everyone was going to harm her, but no one did.

× Personality:


× She is fearful of everyone, she is kind though and tries to not cause any harm

In detail: 

× She has always feared everyone because of the stories she was constantly told. She was raised to do harm to others to kill everyone so she has to try not to, and to control her powers to not hurt but help.

■ Speech:

× She is normal level of speaking, when she gets mad tho she tends to get really loud

■ Afflictions: 

× n/a

■ | Affliction 1n/a

■ | Others: 


《 Others and Extras》

■ Physical Description:

× 5 feet and 8 inches tall, black hair with white bangs, red eyes, usually wears black clothing, dark colored skin, pointy ears

■ | Other Notes:

× n/a

■ Magic Abilities:

× Demon Abilities: has demon wings, allows her to fly

× She uses her abilities to protect those she cares about

■ | Ability 1:

■ | Ability 2:

■ | Ability 3:

■ Normal Abilities:

■ | Ability 1:

■ | Ability 2:

■ | Ability 3:

■ Extra and Misc. Facts:


Accessories / Inventory: