☆ Hemlock ☆'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Cuan Global Rules
  • Do not delete the toyhouse profile or private it,,, I'll just fell bummed abt it hh
  • By owning my designs, you have agreed to my TOS
  • You may not apply yours, or anyone else's TOS over mine.
  • Do not split any designs. If something comes on the original refsheet, it must stay with that design.
  • DO NOT USE it for hateful content, or NSFW content. It makes me uncomfortable.
  • you can always offer OCs in my favorites even for BTAs
  • color picking my adopts is ok but don't HEAVILY ref the design
  • Obviously, dont sell them for more than its worth if they dont have any other art added.
  • Dont just immediately put it ufo or sell it,,,, month cooldown.