


6 years, 3 months ago


Name: Catherine

Age:  immortal; appears in mid-twenties 

Gender: Female

Height: 5'11"

Species: Dainty

Occupation: Retired- invested stocks long ago and is now filthy rich

Significant Other: N/A

Appearance: Tall, thin-limbed and elegant, Catherine emanates grace and poise with her every movement. She has long, light blonde hair that she spends hours brushing in the morning and vampire fangs that poke out past her lips (she dislikes her fangs quite a bit) 


Catherine takes great pride in being cute and lady-like, the way she talks and her mannerisms are all high class and highly practiced. Obsessed with appearances, she talks with a slight british accent she doesn't actually have- she sometimes loses it when taken by surprise or when she's mad! Behind her princess facade she is a bit hot tempered and sulky- Ever since she was turned into a vampire she felt she lost some of her girlish charms to her new found bloodlust, and has been acting way too cutesy ever since. 

Setting/Background: Catherine wasn't always a vampire! Born a normal Dainty in an aristocratic household, she had a bad run-in with a vampire in her early 20s, the vampire deciding she was just too beautiful to let her looks fade so quickly.  Running into a vampire just seems to be part of the territory when being an aristocrat of some sort.