Malachi Hayes



6 years, 4 months ago


Name: Malachi HayesNickname(s): Glitch, Machi,

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Description: A roaming mercenary that takes his job relatively seriously. His magic allows him to transfer into anyone and use his/her abilities to a lesser extent if he sees them use said abilities. He can somehow get stuck in a form if he uses his magic in that form, which could potentially leave him vulnerable. His scythe disappears and reappears at will, but if it is broken during a fight it takes at least a day before it can be re-summoned depending on the damage done. He is blind in his left eye but when he transforms he can see in both eyes. He still remembers everyone he has killed and it leaves him haunted sometimes but with the help of his friends it has become something of the past. His accent isn't the strongest and again; his voice changes with his form so he is incredibly hard to track.

Bio: He used to be an assassin that took his job incredibly seriously (he has since lightened up). He refuses to kill children or teens, and it's rare that he'd raise his blade to someone without reason unless the pay was high. He didn't like his chosen profession but he felt trapped and thus condemned to it. Back then, nightmares were common and after a long while he would visit and pay tribute to those he had killed. One night however, he killed a very powerful small dog as his daughter slept beside him; scared from a nightmare. Glitch nearly stopped, because she reminded him of his brother. He grimaced, and committed anyway. As he was leaving, she woke up and screamed. Glitch was so shaken after the incident that he refused to kill another soul and now he uses his experience to interfere with dark guild's work.