


1 year, 10 months ago


Backstory: Amber has been looked after by the three snakes attached to her head. They act as a guardian since she survived alone most of her childhood and got scraps of food from begging in local towns. Most people in the towns did not like the presence of gorgons, but few saw the good in amber and offered her shelter at times. One boy, the same age as amber, especially kept her company and the boy's mother often gave amber homage warm bread. To amber, this was her family. 

After a few years Amber started a life of her own without humans. She knew staying with the family brought danger to them. She found a thriving large community of gorgons and became a strong fighter throughout many hard years of work. When she was fully grown, she took a high leadership position in the capital. She was a very strong and brave leader. Eventually the knights, from an opposing human empire, raided her empire and burned down what was left. Most were slain and the rest fled to the forest. Amber escaped and fought as much as she could. Later she became in the same situation as her childhood. She spent many weeks in the forest barely surviving with the wounds she had gotten. She eventually passed out from her wounds.

She woke up to a familiar face, the boy she once knew from her childhood all grown up. He rescued her from her current state. The man had heard of what had happened to the village and when speaking for her. From there on they lived in a house in the woods far from any village. She eventually fell in love with him and they began a happy life on their own. 

Personality: Amber is friendly and slow to warm up but if upset, she can have a nasty bite. She is very strong and brave when standing up for people that she cares about.

Fasion: Amber wears casual modern clothes but can wear fantasy clothes as an alternate. Her snakes are always tied up in a bun (don't worry, the snakes aren't hurt by this)