jian-li hana



 Sculpt a life you love
53215584_lAGqMxDGzlOPxL5.png JIAN-LI HANA
 "Aren’t you stunning?" 

 ▶ t h e  b a s i c s 

full name: jian-li hana (formerly jian-li xiao)
nicknames: ji
species: human
age: 42
birthday: december 2
gender: female
sexuality: lesbian
status: married to kukio and ember

 ▶ p e r s o n a l i t y 

calm - subdued - cold - charismatic - positive - flirty - polite - insecure

A very calm and soft spoken person, rather subdued in her emotions, can be cold, very charming and charismatic, a “take things as they come” kind of person, realistically positive, likes politely (and honestly) flirting with people but she’s quick to apologize if she goes too far or makes someone uncomfortable, despite how charismatic she is she’s also insecure about herself while being confident in her work

biggest strength: 

big weakness: 

 ▶ p a s t 

Jian-li is a well known sculptor. Aside from art she didn’t really do much despite how charismatic she is.
She met her future wives when ember decided to collaborate with for an art exhibit. Jian-li thought she was beautiful and honestly flirted with her, unaware that she was married and quickly apologized once she was told. She felt terrible so she also apologized to ember’s wife, the equally beautiful kukio. Jian-li developed a friendship with them and fell for them both but didn’t act on her feelings since they were married and happy and she didn’t want to ruin that.
She was totally surprised when ember and kukio offer for her to date them both and initially doesn’t believe them due to her own insecurities but they manage to convince her that they are being honest and she joins their relationship and ends up marrying them. She’s thrilled, having never expected such a good outcome.

 ▶ c o m b a t 

 ▶ weapon of choice 

Actually a decent fighter, rather fit

 ▶ powers and skills 

Great sculptor, calm under pressure, speaks english and chinese and is learning japanese

 ▶ l i k e s / d i s l i k e s 

 ▶ favorites 

color: black
food: hot pot
drink: chai tea with milk
animal: white peacocks
music: guoyue
hobby: creating
place: anywhere with her family

 ▶ likes 

 ✔ art
 ✔ reading
 ✔ making jewelry
 ✔ giving gifts
 ✔ matcha
 ✔ koi fish
 ✔ stormy weather

 ▶ dislikes 

 ✘ bars
 ✘ talking in front of people
 ✘ heights
 ✘ hot weather
 ✘ coffee
 ✘ action movies (finds them boring) 

 ▶ t r i v i a 

 - voice: tbd
 - star sign: sagittarius
 - alignment: lawful good
 - Got rings that matched ember’s and kukio’s wedding rings as an anniversary gift

 ▶ d e s i g n 

usual expression: knowing smile
appeared age: early mid-thirties (looks young for her age)
nationality: half african american, half chinese
complexion: neutral toned dark
eye color: desaturated blue
hair color: black
build: pronounced hourglass
height: 5’7”
important characteristics:
 - Dot eyebrows
 - Monolids
other notes:
 - Puts light colored makeup under her eyes
 - Wears lots of silver jewelry

 ▶ s t a t s 

created: jun 2022 
method of acquisition: designed
- i added her in really late to the point of re-uploading the first image of them with her

 ▶ ribbons 
