


1 year, 10 months ago


Human (Host Ortusis Morphosis)

This young "person" is piloted by a parasitic strand of morphosis, which means they can't utter more than one or a few words, let alone a full sentence. The parasite fortunately is not hostile towards strangers unless seriously threatened.

They possess an uniquely carved mask, most likely one they made before being taken by the parasites. Wears a skull-adorned, white-hooded robe as part of their cult formality.

They are a member of a cult, despite being controlled by a parasite they have not seen to consider getting rid of them despite their new mentality and behavior. 

Their cult had close contact to Ortusis Morphosis parasites and tried studying them, Sakhratash however seemed to have got too close to them as he was in charge of transporting a sample of them, ending up being taken over. The cult members seemed to have kept them around as the new host of the body managed to keep important intel of the surroundings and other critical information from the former host, became more quiet and seemed rather obedient, and did not require to be compensate for their bother with anything else other than food and shelter.