Sasha Jessie Meliigorai



6 years, 5 months ago


Name: Sasha Jessie Meliigorai

Nickname: Sash

Gender: Male

DOB: December 12th

Zodiac: Refustii

Age: 22

Height: 5'5

Weight: 12.6 stone

Build: Average height and skinny

Element: Ice (Interalised)

Class: Healer

Location: Entrulus City

Occupation: Nurse at Entrulus Health Office

Weapon(s): None

Relationship Status: Taken

Personality: Sasha has a very cheery personality that he likes to spread to the patients he's treating. He's very empathic and caring, sometimes smothering his patients with a little too much love and attention. His patients' happiness effects his happiness and if he can't make one of them happy he falls into a state of sadness. This often isn't the case though as he has a knack for making even the saddest people laugh and smile. He gets stressed very easily and finds it hard to relax when worrying about people. He hates it when people argue, often losing his temper himself.


Sasha was the youngest of four sons, all of them warriors but himself. He often found he was the one patching up their wounds and taking care of them. They'd be dead without him. 

Like many children, Sasha was abducted by Aktin's forces. His brothers attempted to come after him but didn't make it in time before the rift between worlds closed. Sasha, despite being young focused on making sure all the other children weren't hurt and offering his healing powers if they were. However, he was taken to the Orphanage in Entrulus city after the invasion ceased. 

Sasha despite others advising against it, decided to help out at the Health Office in Entrulus despite his age. He soon managed to earn enough to get his own apartment to live in.

Currently, he works full time at the health office and does what he loves.



- Loves snow but hates snowball fights.

- Loves ice cream.