Cody Delgado



1 year, 11 months ago


Puh-lease, as if I'd do something that stupid. ...Again.

Full name: Cody Delgado

Age: 23

Gender: Trans Male

DOB: February 26

Height: 5'2"

Orientation: Queer

Nationality: American

Place of origin: Chicago

Languages: English, Spanish


The Heavy


He's very vain, and likes some vaguely feminine things (long hair, earrings, etc.) but tries to maintain an exterior of Total Masculinity. He does this by constantly claiming "Chicks dig the earrings/hair/skincare routine!" He's also on testosterone and has started balding, and as far as he's concerned that is life-shattering. He covers it up with hats and carefully arranged hairdos.
Vain / Romantic / Reckless
  • underground hip-hop

  • trashy romance novels

  • soccer
  • snobs

  • data, euismod

  • data, facilisi morbi tempus
He loves hip hop, and collects cassettes to play on his boombox.
Fan of the Chicago Cubs and the Chicago Fire (Major League Soccer team)
Despite the cold nature of his team's base, he doesn't bundle up a ton, just enough that his "ma won't chew him out."
His team's Medic 100% would give him top surgery, but he's not certain if that's what he wants yet.
  • two-pronged hair floop

  • secretly balding (lol!)

  • little silver earrings
  • freckle-y moles on face and arms

  • dark hair and eyes

  • no scars (yet)


Background w/ Company

It's a tough world out there, and even tougher when all your skills are sports related and you're taking testosterone. When you need to find work to support your family of younger siblings, you tend to pick up the first shady job that falls into your lap. As far as shady jobs go, BLU is pretty cushy, with hella pay, enough benefits, and an automatic bank transfer system right back to Chicago.

Cody's adopted father is, as far as Cody is aware, his biological father as well. BLU knows otherwise, which is why they reached out to offer a job in the first place. His father was severely injured in a workplace accident, leaving his mother as the sole source of income for their household of Cody's eight hyperactive, accident-prone siblings. Cody feels responsible for his siblings' well-being, and wants them to be able to get a good education 'n' stuff, so all his money goes right back home.

His current team is the only team he's ever worked with, but the fit seems good enough and BLU doesn't think it necessary to seek out any transfers for the young scout.

Employee Profile

Cody's main flaw is his stubborn vanity. He refuses to spend money on any of his gear, instead preferring to do all maintenance and upgrades on his own - which often leads to issues on the field. Should any of his self-made equipment fail, however, he is quick to grumble and abashedly seek help from his team's Engineer.

About the same principle applies to his tactics on the field. He'll start a round cocky, taunting frequently after kills, until it bites him in the ass, which gets him back in the right headspace for brutal, bloody, and fast revenge. He works best with his team's Heavy, who he zips around to draw fire, as well as the Medic, who he falls back to respawn to help back to the frontlines.


Write something about them here, can be any length, short or long. This little box here scrolls. Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Euismod quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar.

Nunc sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem. Porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum. Blandit aliquam etiam erat velit scelerisque in dictum non consectetur.


Write something about them here, can be any length, short or long. This little box here scrolls. Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Euismod quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar.

Nunc sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem. Porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum. Blandit aliquam etiam erat velit scelerisque in dictum non consectetur.
